47 is a wonderful number

As soon as the pax started grumbling about the time, circle up I yelled - What here? Now? Blah, blah blah.  YHC quickly established who was in charge

First exercise Good mornings, x 4,

Followed by  Good mornings x 7

SSH - x47, Sir Fazio 15, 16 reverse and 16 overhead (yes Ma Bell  15+16+16 does equal 47)

Run through wooded trail (usually too dark but it is nearly the lightest day of the year), to the bottom of the stairs - platform

At the platform Partner up (no, nothing matters) for – Toddler squats (new Riptide special), Squats, Jump Squats – 15, 16, 16

Run on down to base of big bridge

P1 – plank, P2 – bear crawl across, jog back flap jack

P1 –plan, P2 – lunge walk across, plank – yell partner who then lunge walks across

1 Burpee OYO (Sky Blue asked in advance if we could avoid doing many burpees today

27 merkins (on my down - that means you Hermes)

Another round of squats (all three types)

Run – as a group – down the greenway - the way we never ever go.  Run to the first left turn, coming back to pick up the six.  When all assembled,

20 merkins - on my down (yes - 47 again)

Walk across the river - we didnt let the bridge out slow us down.  Run up the hill back to Norwell - damn, long run and long hill.  Come back and pick up the Six.  When all back at Norwell, another round of

Toddler squats, squats, jump squats 15, 16, 16

Start Pax off in 4 groups back to the park - slow to fast - remaining pax doing 10 exercises between groups - after first group we did 10 star jumps in honor of goose- not sure after that - ask Large.

Run up Nowell and  back to park –

 Return to basketball court

Mary –47 WW2

Announcements - Phoenix tomorrow - special time 6:30, F3 Dads - 8am

Prayers - Mississippi’s sister, Goose’s son, Callahan’s friends whose young son was diagnosed with cancer

NMS - Happy Birthday to YHC - 47 years old today!

See also