46 Give or Take

Last day at 46 and YHC is excited and ready to start the week off strong. It’s cold, but not as cold as expected. We get a good crowd full of great men, the clock hits 05:45, let’s go!


Mosey over to the parking lot next to The Hill and circle up for imperial walkers, cotton pickers, Sir Fazios both ways, and plank jacks.

The Thang

Mosey over to the basketball courts, stopping for one burpee at the first light pole, two burpees at the second, etc. up to eight at the final light pole.

Partner up in the middle of the court for Bear Crawl 2-2-2, a modification of the Bear Crawl 1-2-3 recently created by our own Red Ryder. One partner bear crawls to the other side of the court and back (the short way, I’m not cruel enough to call a full court bear crawl) while the other knocks out 200 merkins, 200 squats and 200 LBCs. Flapjack when the bear crawler returns.

Stay with your partner for a Dora 1-1-1. One partner runs to the far end of the court and back while the other partner knocks out 100 left-right shoulder taps, 100 star jumps and 100 dying cock-a-roaches. Flapjack when the runner returns.

Indian run to the big parking lot next to the park entrance.


Circle up for American hammers, Freddie Mercurys, Homer-to-Marge, Hello Dolly, and burpees.


Count-a-rama:  18 Name-a-rama:  4 RESPECTs, 13 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Michelob for a quick recovery from the flu, prayers for Napster’s 2.0 Gomer and his classmates and chaperones on their trip to DC, prayers for benign results for my M’s biopsy later this week. BOM:  YHC took us out


We have so many AOs today, but A-Team will always be one of my favorites. Part of it is the location, Apex Community Park offers many great options. Part of it is that it’s on Monday, and for a long time it was our only AO on Monday. I can’t remember who it was, but when I first started out one of the vets told me to post on Mondays whenever possible, because it keeps the positive momentum from the previous week going. We don’t post of Sunday, so if you miss Monday that’s two days in row. Now the momentum is going in the wrong direction. Next thing you know you’ve missed a week. I’ve started a lot of weeks off on the right foot at A-Team, and it’s always great to do it again.

How much of a badass is Red Ryder? He shows up wearing the Breath Taker for the first time and breaks it! OK, maybe it was just a small rip in the pocket that holds one of the weights, and not Bruce Banner hulking out and ripping his shirt to shreds, but still pretty dang impressive.

If you’re looking for a Dora partner, grab Squatter. That guy is fast and will carry more than his share of the load.

When they make star jumps an Olympic event Pierogi is getting a gold medal.

It’s hard for me to recognize most PAX this time of year, when it’s cold and gloomy and everyone is wearing their winter hats. Not Chop Block. Whenever I see a Georgia Tech hat, I know it’s him.

Good to have Hot Spot’s brother Boo Boo with us this morning.

I wanted to celebrate my last day as a 46 year old with 46 burpees. We did 36 at the light poles, and 10 more during Mary. A couple of our more honest PAX admitted to doing a little bit less than 46. They know who they are, they can make it up to me later.

Thanks for letting me lead.

See also