Met up at the ‘flag’ with a collection of both new and old faces for measure twice. No headlamps needed. Full moon is tomorrow

Measure the First:

  • Run 45 minutes. Covered about 5.5 miles in a brisk pace but not so brisk that conversation was impossible. Enjoyed catching up with Mayflower, Torpedo, One Four and Mr. Safety. Squatter grunted once, so I suppose that’s a win.
  • Back to the ‘flag’ right on time. Parker and Pivot right behind.

Measure the Second:

  • A short, fifteen minute version of Sun Salutations with at least four nomenclature screw ups. I think everyone got their stretch on though.
  • Pivot brought his King Size mat. He did not share it.


  • 10
  • Announcements for Freed to Bleed this weekend as well as a Parker-led donation drop at Wake Zone Tuesday after FMJ
  • Prayers and Praises for Schroeder’s surgery this morning; safe travels and time with my 2.1 this weekend and the brotherhood of F3 from Pivot as he and his 2.1 spend time with Flacco and his.


Really humbled by the guys who have never been to Measure Twice coming out for my birthday Q. Red Ryder, Mr Safety, Mayflower and Shut-In were all (I think) first timers out here. Feel bad for not spending as much time with each of you all but I want you to know, I am grateful for all of your friendship, support and love. Thank you!

See also