440 for Time

6 PAX gathered at the Big Top on perhaps the least gloomy morning of 2019 so far, 3 of them within a minute of go-time. Goose arrived 5 minutes early expecting the usual punctual PAX for some pre-workout fellowship…he was disappointed. He was also hoping to sweat, I hope he wasn’t doubly disappointed. I get excited planning Qs, especially when they seem particularly novel, challenging, or CSAUP-y. Today qualifies.

Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-up)

Mosey around the middle school building, stopping at corners for: 20x SSH, 10x Windmills, 10x cotton-pickers, 10x good mornings, and 10x merkins. It was an extra-long distance warm-up to make up for what I had planned next.

Beaker’s Beatdown (The Thang)

As we assembled on the finest track in NW Cary (on a Thursday morning), I let the PAX know we would be performing a timed 440 today. Meaning, we would try to complete one lap around the track (400 meters) by doing 10x Burpee Broad-Jumps, followed by 10x merkins, 10x squats, 10x WWIIs, and 10s plank-hold (40 reps). Repeato, Repeato all the way around the track. The plank-hold was audibled to a 6" leg-hold after two rounds.

Goose sweated and we made it about 300 yards before time was up…maybe I will skip warm-up next time.

Beaker’s Bellies (The Mary)

See The Thang

Beaker’s Benediction (The COT)

COR/MOR - 6: 2 Respects, 3 Mehs, 1 Hate


  • CARPEX 6-iversary -target 100 PA


  • Nikki in HHI, ex-husband committed suicide, leaving her to battle cancer and handle kids

See also