42, A Non-theme Theme

Who knew!?! A vanilla high tempo run work with absolutely no theme found a theme by the end of the beatdown! The sevens doubled turned out to be 42 of each exercise and Hanson logged almost 4.2 miles of running in the workout. Now, in full disclaimer, most of probably ran closer to 3.5 - 4.0 miles but 4.2 helped create a theme for this non-themed workout

Disclaimer then run a quarter mile loop that will establish the route for the later timed work.

Warm-up: Steve Earl, Nancy Kerrigan, Cotton Pickers, Dive Bombers, Good Mornings.

Thang 1: Sevens doubled but not double sevens. Run to the hand railing and perform 12, 6 doubled, Underdogs (Australian Pull-ups). Run to the Pull up bars for 2, 1 doubled, Pull-ups. This got to be fairly challenging when we hit 12 pull-ups

Thang 2: Time Based Run Ladder: Changing hats, literally I took my F3 cap off and put on my Cary Christian School athletic hat I wear when I’m coaching my middle school Track and Field Team, I picked up my whistle and stop watch for the following: On the single whistle blow - 1 min run (at your 5K pace), on the double whistle blow - 30 sec jog. Repeat for the following: 2 min run, 60 sec jog. 3 min run, 90 sec jog. 4 min run 120 sec jog. Then back down the ladder. 3-2-1 with corresponding rest times.

COT - Hares needs a Site Q!

See also