40 mins of Welcome to Hunter Street Skate Park

Date: 2/22/2018

Location: Bounty Hunters

QIC: Parker

PAX: 13

13 Pax gathered in the 63 deg downright balmy gloom on a late Feb morning for a promised reintroduction to the wonder that is Hunter Street Skate Park.  Since GTL and YHC took over site Q duties at BH a couple weeks ago YHC feels obligated to make sure the Pax are aware of all the options here.  I mean, it really has a lot to offer.  Like rails.  And ramps.  And concrete.  And half pipes.  And more concrete.

Warm up with a run around the big pickle at a brisk mosey pace. Split the run into thirds and stopped at three spots for SSH x 20 IC, Imperial Walkers x 20 IC, and Nancy Kerrigans (10 forward arms right leg IC, 10 reverse arms left leg IC).  YHC is of the opinion that the NK is an underutilized warmup exercise…particularly during the winter olympics.  Maybe once every four years is in fact enough.

Back to the skate park for: Thang 1

Find a piece of half pipe and face away from it.  Plank position with feet towards the half-pipe, starting w feet at the bottom. Merkin 5-count “ladder”, moving feet up the wall vertically one step after each 5 count, 5 steps total, 25 reps OMD. Hold BTTW when you need to modify. 10 count BTTW at the end of the 25 merkins.  Recover.

Lt Dan Taylor. (Ratio of 1 jump squat OMU and 4 forward lunge IC each leg). From 1-4 to 5-20 count.  Again, thanks Exicon.  This one really lives up to the “aint got no legs” reputation.

Repeato Merkin 5-count ladder going up the half pipe, with close-grip/diamond position, total 25 reps (Hold BTTW/plank when you need to modify).

Bolt 45s (15 stand to half squat, 15 bottom to half squat, 15 full squat).

1 lap Indian Run around the small pickle to stretch the legs.

Back to the skate park for: Thang 2

Line up at top rail. Alt L/R stepup x 20 IC.

Bear Crawl down to half pipe wall.

Plank position for Horizontal Squats against the wall x 20 IC.

Forward Crab walk up to rail.

The plan was for Monkey Humpers but YHC audible to Derkins x 25 OMD because legs were wrecked.

Crawl Bear to half pipe wall.

Repeat plank position for Horizontal Squats against the wall x 20 IC.

Reverse Crab walk to top rail.

Repeat Derkins x 25 OMD.


Had 10 minutes for Mary so started with GTL and each Pax called 10-count Mary exercise ring-of-fire style (no rest between).  Lots of standard Mary called here along with some creativity.  Nice work men.  Finish with Jack Webbs.  We made it from 4+1 to 24+6 before time expired.


Keep an eye out on the Slack for all the various CSAUP opportunities.  Shut In’s Shut-In on 2/28, sign up.  Prayers for those struggling through treatments or recovery, including Callahan’s lil buddy Luke, Disco Duck’s M, Grease’s Mom.


Quiet, respectful, hard-working group of HIM this morning.  Saw lots of guys pushing their bodies to the limit and then some.  It must have been that all the tank tops were at BO.  It was a pleasure to lead you men.

Apologies for not yet having the shovel flag for BH in place.  Thanks Sooey for the substitute shovel flag.  This WILL be corrected before next week.

Thanks to Smokey for keeping me on the straight and narrow today with some good Q-coaching.  You know what I’m talking about Smokey.  Much appreciated, brother.

The goal was only 5 minutes outside the skate park today.  I think it ended up being 7 minutes.

The PAX: GTL, Oxtail, Blue and Out, Juko, Smokey, Khakis, Sooey, Intimidator, Imp, Shank, Quequeg, Chappy, Parker, Breathtaker

See also