4 Years Later

A chilly morning was met by the pax who joined YHC in celebrating my 4th F3 Anniversary.  

YHC mentioned the disclaimer and with no FNGs in sight… we started with The Pledge.. then “start your devices”

Mozy to the east entry intersection for warmups 

  • Good Mornings

  • SSH

  • Sir Fazios 

  • Hill Billys 

  • Overhead/Seal clap combo

Mozy to Shelter/Parking Lot for 

Thang 1: Partner Up for Dora 

  • 100 Merkins

  • 200 Squats 

  • 300 LBC

  • + run the pickle

Mozy down hill to Boat House Parking Lot for 

Thang 2: 4 Corner Ladder up & down 

  • 5 Burpees 

  • 10 Merkins

  • 15 Mountain Climbers

  • 20 Star Jumps

Mozy to Rock Pile near wash overflow for

Thang 3: Rock Work - 3 rounds

  • Curls for Girls 

  • Over head press 

  • Tricep extensions

  • Rock Row 

  • Plus 1 set of rock your body

Q mixed it up by having pax move 2-4 rocks to left after each round. 

Mozy via gravel path back to flag for


  • Homer To Marge 

  • Hello Dolly

  • Freddy Merc

  • American Hammers 

  • Have a Nice Day

Mumble chatter was strong with the focus being that of some football game coming up this Monday.  

YHC shared about 4 years ago looked like vs today. Though I was active on my own, I was in dire need of the PAX as I really didn’t know anyone in the area as a recent West Coast transplant. 

Four years later and I can say that I have done things I never thought I could do.  Though I still have my struggles as we all do, 

F3 has indeed made me better and stronger, and for that I thank each of you.

See also