4 corners and 7s at the basketball court, busting the Nantanogram bracket

The biggest April Fools I had today was the weather, treating us all to one last dose of winter. We needed 44 HIMs to show up to reach the Nantan success metric of 100…we made one of those digits, despite my recruiting efforts beforehand at the AAZ.

Warm up

Mosey with some backwards, forwards, and karaoke strides to the Basketball court in honor of the close of March madness season.

  • Don Quixotes - IC, 20-count
  • Hillbillies - IC, 20-count
  • TIE fighters - Right leg, forwards, 10-count.
  • Overhead with seal claps - IC, 10 count
  • TIE fighters - Left leg, backwards, 10-count

The Bracket Buster Thang

Round 1: Ascending 7 of Diamonds

  • Corner 1: 7 Diamond merkins
  • Corner 2: 7 Diamond merkins, 14 Forward lunge with twist
  • Corner 3: 7 Diamond merkins, 14 Forward lunge with twist, 21 Shoulder taps
  • Corner 4: 7 Diamond merkins, 14 Forward lunge with twist, 21 Shoulder taps, 28 Squats

Round 2: Basketball practice 7’s

  • Near baseline: Sideplank leg and arm raises, left-right equals one
  • Low zigzags to other side of court
  • Far baseline: Inchworm walkout with merkin and Makhtar N’Diayes

Round 3: Descending 7 of Diamonds

  • Corner 1: 28 Squats
  • Corner 2: 28 Squats, 21 Shoulder taps
  • Corner 3: 28 Squats, 21 Shoulder taps, 14 Forward lunge with twist
  • Corner 4: 28 Squats, 21 Shoulder taps, 14 Forward lunge with twist, 7 Diamond merkins

Mosey back to the shelter, reprising the backwards, forwards, and karaoke strides.

Winding down


  • Dipholds
  • 28 Irkins
  • 14 Bulgarian squats
  • 7 Derkins with a hold


  • Homer to Marge, one-leg up, 28-count
  • Heeltaps, IC, 14-count
  • Chase the rabbit, IC, 7-count
  • Pigeon to Cobra to Downwards Dog to Pigeon flow
  • Pax choice: Calf stretch



  • Stations of the cross to start off Good Friday.
  • Hill challenge soft launch starts the 15th.
  • If you didn’t get the Carpex Newsletter, sign up!


  • Chewie: Grandmother’s appointment next week; property issues to be dealth with out of state; caretaking of children & pets for a sick friend; recovery for health issues.


  • Tang: Upcoming time with extended family this weekend, getting together before his deployment.
  • Texas Ranger: Good results from daughter’s appointment this past week.


  • TIE fighters are the warmup that’s been taking Carpex by storm(troopers).
  • Counting is hard, especially when you’re doing a surprise round of descending 7’s.
  • Of the languages heard including English, German, French, Spanish, and Shyriiwook, the Pax count best in Arnold Schwarzenegger, who knew?
  • TR wanted to know why is everything in 7s. YHC had no clue; THIS IS THE WAY that I learnt (and no, not just at the Bounty Hunter’s AO).
  • Despite commenting all night that we were only “one 4” away from hitting our 44 turnout goal, we failed to realize we were truly only missing @One Four until Tang posted the Slack CT.
  • Should the daily Pax post of 100 be called the Nantanogram?

We did not fail to hit 100, as 100% participation followed at brewteria. AO lore, politics, world events, life events, Marvel universe, and more discussed at length.

Although I enjoyed the workout, I apparently did not deliver a strong enough Q to be graced by the swag of the thundergod. Alas, something to aspire to next time.

Make it a great evening!

See also