4/24/18: Let my inspiration flow..

YHC was feeling a little slow this morning, which usually means a ruck. But he was also feeling a bit sore in places important for rucking, so in the end, the fartsack won.

If you haven’t been to BroGa over at NCMA on Monday mornings, it’s a nice change-of-pace. YHC has been an occasional participant along with CK. It’s a good way to recover from a long run on the weekend. Seeing the empty Q slot at Rush Hour, and feeling the need for a recovery workout, it seemed appropriate to grab the Q and have at it. Disco Duck graciously accommodated.

6 workhorses turned out for some evening fun, unaware (mostly) that they were participating in a recovery workout.


Short jog to loosen things up, then circle up in the pocket park. SSH x25, GM x10, ‘mercan x20, then follow me.


Jog down to the fountain and back, ~1mi total. Easy 10-minute fellowship pace. 10-count with Sir Fazio upon return.

Back at the park, BroGa a la Bartman, who doesn’t really know names for stuff, just does what the lady on YouTube or Monday Q says. The first set, we did a fair amount of hip and lower body, with a little core mixed in.

After about 10 minutes, we headed out toward Academy St, avoided an inside-out squirrel (or possum?) #pelt and hit the rock pile for a couple sets of good livin:

Curls x15, OH press x15, tricep extension x15. Overhead hold, for.. a while. Rock NASCAR: hold the rock out front like a steering wheel. Turn right. Go straight. Turn left, go straight. Recover. Plank-o-rama and 20 ‘mercans OYO. Rock squat x30, rock rows x30, OH hold, NASCAR. Recover the rocks to the pile.

Follow me down to Cedar street, reverse Bond run (what up, Build-a-Bear!) down to Walker, to Academy, and back up to the park. Squat-hold 10 count while the Q consults his brogi weinke.

BroGa Part Deux. Stretch the back, shoulders, a little half-pigeon for good measure. Have a Nice Day.


Count 6. 1 each hate/respect, mostly meh.

Good word from Banjo on the HT guys and what Freed to Lead would refer to as the Dynamite. How can we use our connections and everyday interactions to help guys who need a break? #morethanaworkout

YHC privileged to take us out. Thanks for indulging me, fellas.

See also