5-Week Study: 10 Ways to be an Exceptional Parent in a “Quick Fix” World.

I feel like time is running out and I’m not parenting with the urgency I should have. I don’t want to get my kids off to college and then look back and think my intentions were good but my effort was lackluster.

So I need a spark and I found this guide through church and I need some accountability and guys to go all in with me so we can encourage and support one another.

Disclaimer: This book talks about Jesus and uses Bible verses as a foundation but I don’t think it necessarily means you have to hold Christian beliefs to think this is applicable to us as parents in general. This should be open to all Dads from what I can tell!

Proposed Agenda

This is a 5 Week Study starting the first week of November.


    • Each man HCs by buying the book: Amazon Link
    • Join the #parenting channel on Slack
    • Each week you complete 2 chapters OYO

    • One day a week from sometime between 0530 and 0700 - time depending on participates

    • We meet at a park under a shelter that has light - I’m thinking Bond Park or SWW

    • EC pre run option


    • Start with the week prior’s Take Action - what did you do, how did you take action?

    • We watch this week’s video (7-8mins)

    • What stood out in these 2 chapters?

    • Discuss the Activity questions in the workbook

    • End in COT style prayer/praises

I want guys who are ALL IN. Reading and study are completed upon arrival and perfect attendance. Once we form the group we can get schedules and times and locations aligned but I want to make sure you know when you sign up YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE FOR COMPLETING THIS.