3rd Sooey-anniversary

In keeping with the theme for a 3 year anniversary, YHC had the Q for the 3rd time at A-Team on 1/27/2020, exactly 3 years after Crimson introduced YHC to F3 on 1/27/2017. Doesn’t seem like that long ago, then again it seems like a lifetime. Funny how time works.

As fate would have it, my good pal Frisco asked if I would be interested in a co-Q. Seeing as Frisco has not posted in well over a year (or maybe just like 10 days but you can decide) YHC made the fatal mistake of letting Camp Frisco invade F3 and NOT alerting the PAX ahead of time.

5:29:45 time for pledge and disclaimer and we were off! At this point every voice of reason and self preservation was screaming for me to turn back. I would make it up to Frisco later, I…

Warm up

  • SSH
  • Good mornings
  • Windmills
  • Cherry Pickers (as Frisco calls them)
  • Stretching
  • Merkins - OYO
  • Mountain Climbers

See, Frisco’s code for his time to take over was after we did the Mountain Climbers. It took me about 5 minutes to get his attention that he was up.

***Begin Frisco narrative****

YHC could see that Sooey was wavering in his decision to turn over the Q to the founder and president of the Camp Frisco boot camp. (For the uninitiated Camp Frisco is considered advanced F3. It is very exclusive which is why it’s rarely seen.). I decided to make the decision for him.

“Welcome to Camp Frisco, maggots!” I said as I stepped forward…

Thang 1:

3 was the theme for Camp Frisco so YHC told the PAX to pair up in 3s. The rule was one of the three had to be running the pickle and at the cost of 30 burpees they could swap out a runner to complete:

  • Combined 300 partner copperhead merkins
  • Combined 300 partner copperhead jump squats
  • Combined 300 LBC Flutterkicks

***Sooey Interpretation: No one had a clue what to do so after a while YHC called an audible and headed towards power line hill. Thanks to Disco Duck for the assist to pick up six in unscheduled transition.***

Thang 2:

The Pax were heavily motivated to finish Thang 1 so much so that they forgot their 30 burpees. Knowing they would regret missing it later we traveled to The Hill.

We were going to do 11s but since that is not divisible by 3 we did 7s which is. And because everyone loves a nice set of burpees after a run uphill that’s we did burpees at the top and squats at the bottom to activate those psoas muscles in the feet, low back and cranium. Yes at Camp Frisco it is an education as well as a workout.

Unfortunately, time ran out and Camp Frisco was tucked away in YHC’s brain.

***End Frisco narrative****

Thang 3:

With some extra time after Camp Fiasco, the PAX moseyed to the front parking lot for some Mary. YHC called an audible and ran the pickle to help run out the clock. Sadly, the clock was holding strong so run the pickle again. Now time for Mary.


  • Some stuff, it was over a day ago.
  • Maybe some American Hammers
  • Home to Marge
  • 100’s
  • Have a nice day!


  • Krispy Kreme Challenge this Saturday

Prayers and Praises

  • Cataracts recovery
  • Probably some other stuff (sorry)


  • YHC had a long speech about how exciting it was to Q for my 3rd anniversary and how I struggled to hand over the reigns. But we didn’t want Frisco to be gone forever. (Well, maybe Biner did).
  • Frisco is part of my shield lock. We should do all we can to support our shield lock even if it means subjecting your friends and unsuspecting PAX to Camp Fiasco.
  • The number today was 3. 3Fs - Fitness: check, Fellowship: check, Faith: check (all before 7 am!). 3 years of F3. 3rd VQ by Frisco. Exercises in groups of 3 or 7 or 300 or 30. I’ve taught Frisco how to count 3 times.
  • Keep accelerating and growing! And don’t forget to grow your shield lock with you!

And just like that, all my hard work over the last 3 years was gone. Poof. YHC is on the outs, never to be allowed to return.

Hopefully this sad narrative will serve as a cautionary tale for others who fall under Frisco’s sway.

See also