Help an Old Guy Out

It’s been a little too long since my last Q so I need to get myself back in the rotation. 16 strong at FMJ this morning to help get things fired up again. Temps are trending cooler so the plan was to keep everyone moving as much as possible. Things went pretty smoothly until COT when YHC realized readers are needed in order for me to see the Voice Memo app icon on my phone, because I can’t remember 16 names on my own. Thankfully GTL was there to help me out without giving me too much of a hard time.


  • Jog toward the middle school then circle up
  • 20 SSH, IC
  • 15 Imperial Walkers, IC
  • 20 Mountain Climbers, IC
  • 20 Merkins

Thang 1

  • Jog to bottom of hill toward bus loop for a form of Esau’s ladder
  • Backwards run to top of hill
  • 2 hand-release merkins
  • Regular run back to bottom of hill
  • 2 squat jumps
  • Repeato, adding 2 reps of each exercise until you reach 10
  • Various planks and plank jacks until all in

Thang 2

  • Modified partner chase around middle school
  • Partner 1 - regular run around the school
  • Partner 2 - duck walk until caught by partner 1
  • Alternate duck walk and bear crawl
  • Halt about half way around the school near picnic tables
  • Wall sit, BTTW, Australian Mountain Climbers (10 IC)

Thang 3

  • Mosey over to picnic tables/basketball court
  • Partner 1 - AMRAP 10 derkins, 15 squats, 20 LBCs
  • Partner 2 - suicide sprint on basketball court
  • Flapjack
  • Repeato for 3 times total

Thang 4

  • Mosey back to grass hill near parking lot
  • Crawl bear to top of the hill
  • 20 Spider Man merkins
  • Bear crawl down other side of the hill
  • 20 tuck jumps
  • Repeato back to where you started


  • 25 LBCs, IC
  • 25 Freddy Mercuries, IC
  • 20 Chilcutt Peter Parkers, IC



  • None spoken, but a personal observation from YHC about doing the right thing with regards to your family and seeing first hand the effects of your parenting in your young adult children

Thank you McCants for taking us out in strong fashion.  Always an honor to lead this fine group

See also