

  • 12 Him joined YHC for 2.51 miles of, in Term Pappy’s words, 70 reps of lots of stuff. 6 for EC run.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run to the back of the park - stop for 70 reps each of SSH, Standard Merkin, Squats, LBC.
  • Complete the loop at the back of the park with extended PTL.

****The Thangs

Run toward the front of the park.

Stop by the tennis courts to alternate BCing two spaces and perform 10 Standard Merkins until you reach 70 Standard Merkins.

Run to the bottom of the driveway hill.

Perform 7 cycles of: run to the top of the hill, perform 10 Star Jumps and back to bottom to perform 10 Frog Ups.

Run to the top lot to run the pickle twice performing 70 PAX choice Mary each lap.


YHC is deeply grateful for the 12 other HIM who purposed to post at A-Team on this special occasion. Love you, guys.

See also