5 Burbees OYO


  • 13 lean mean running machines convened at Kryptonite for a sweatier-then-normal high tempo jaunt through the darker-every-day gloom that enveloped CarPex’s exclusive AO designed to push even the most elite athletes to grow stronger by challenging themselves and one another to go further and faster than they ever have or thought they could because they had inadvertently placed self-imposed limits that God wants for them to break.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run up the parking lot, around the end island, backwards run and then regular run by the lake to the side of Kokabooth for warmups
  • Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, Groiner Merkins, Plank Series (with NO RECOVERY BETWEEN): 20 Plankjacks, 20 Mountainclimbers, 20 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Star Crunches, 15 Plankjacks, 15 Mountainclimbers, 15 Crabcakes, 15 Side Plank Star Crunches, 10 Plankjacks, 10 Mountainclimbers, 10 Crabcakes, 10 Side Plank Star Crunches, 5 Plankjacks, 5 Mountainclimbers, 5 Crabcakes, 5 Side Plank Star Crunches, Merkin Series.

The Thang****s

  • Partner up

  • Run one direction around the lake while your partner runs the other. When you meet, do 5 Bropees. Run the other way, when you meet do 10 Bropees.

  • Follow YHC … Pearls on a String: every 20 yards, 5 Burbees OYO till 30 additional Burbees. Backwards run, karaoke, bear crawls taboot.

  • Mary

20 LSF, 20 AH, 15 LSF, 15 AH


See also