New Year's Resolution

QIC: Kyrie

“Do today what others wont, so that tomorrow I can do what others can’t.”

Highly motivated. Let’s get after it.

What a time to be alive. December 26th, 2017. YHC gets to the park early. It’s his VQ, can’t be late.

0525. Frick… its cold. YHC decides to EC run a bit to warm up and check the route.

0535. YHC returns. “Hello @DoT, is your heater still running?”

0540-0546 the rest of the PAX arrive. Everyone got headlamps from Santa. WELCOME @MUFASA! Making a legendary fatherhood debut. @Large Mouth, a true HIM, brings a flag. Ecstatic.

0546. No penalty burpees this time, but don’t mistake YHC for a doormat.

Time to take off, the weinke is calling for a lot this morning.

But first, the pledge.

I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands

One nation, under God, indivisible

with liberty and justice for all.

Beauty. Chills. Gets YHC every time. We have all won the lottery.

Quickly check the PAX. No commies in attendance. Very good.

Warm Up

Jog to the circle. Turn it into quarters.

High knees 1/4

Butt kickers 1/4

Karaoke outside 1/4

Karaoke inside 1/4


Jumping High Knees (also known as “skipping”… MC out of the gate!) 1/4

Open the gate 1/8.

Close the gate 1/8. Smokey was reminded of drunk smokey while executing this exercise. General consensus among the PAX. Close the gate = drunk smokey.


Everyone ready? Double time.


-Mosey pace to the trail, then bump it up to tempo pace until the crossroads.

YHC is tired of Christmas music, ready for his new years resolution - to eat out less in 2018. 

-First exercise is THE CHILI’S 2 FOR 20. Crowd favorite, 6oz sirloin with a side, drink, AND dessert?? I MEAN CMON PEOPLE.

  • 20 Merkins OYO
  • 20 Air Squats OYO. Squat hold the last one. Wait for your brothers to finish.

PAX share a laugh. That wasn’t so bad. And we’re off.

-Tempo Pace off to the right trail, run it out to the hill.

-Next exercise is THE BURGER KING OF THE HILL. 3 Rounds.

  • All you got to the poles. 10 burpees at the top.
  • Mosey run down.
  • 10 Incline merkins at the bottom. ONE
  • AYG, 10 b’s at the top.
  • Mosey
  • 10 decline merks TWO
  • AYG, 10 burpees.
  • Mosey
  • 10 ReguLAR merks. Squat hold and wait on your brothers. Camaraderie. THREE

No @Hermes today to exclaim “It’s 6:05 fellas!” YHC is still a newbie… doesn’t know what that means, still laughs every time.

-Tempo Run to the crossroads for another 2 for 20. This time its:

  • 20 Wide grip merkins OYO
  • 20 monkey humpers OYO. Squat hold the last one. Wait for brothers to finish.

-Double time to the bridge. PAX owe the bridge 10 merkins to cross. No checks bounce. @sfleder confirms everything balances.

-Tempo to the bball court. This is Kyrie’s Q after all…

-NEXT EXERCISE IS THE MCDONALDS ALL AMERICAN. Grab a partner, going for 3 rounds each.

  • Free throw and back
  • Half court and back
  • Free throw and back
  • Full court and a backboard touch. @Mufasa and @WKRP reminded of the glory days on the court. X3

Check the time. Running behind a bit. Time for Mary. On your six.


45 seconds on “15 seconds” off ;). In cadence, its time to disturb the neighbors.

  • LBC
  • Dying cockroach
  • American Hammer (Ouch!)
  • Slow freddy mercury
  • NEXT EXERCISE IS: HOMER AND MARGE. Why? It’s what gets the people goin'.


-Mosey back to the crossroads. Recovery pace. Almost done, push through. This is where you get better.

-Stop for a chilis… WAIT. This isn’t chilis… This is WENDY’S! Time for a Wendy’s 4 for 4.

  • 4 SSH, in cadence
  • 4 diamond merkins, on my down
  • 4 burpees OYO, groan
  • 4 jump squats OYO, to make the PAX look ridiculous.

-Mosey back to the AO. On your six.

-NEXT EXERCISE IS: Have a nice day. Whew.


  • Term Paper said something. Can’t remember. Bad Q!
  • WKRP is going to Walmart.

Prayer Requests

  • WKRP is going to Walmart.

Thank you men for allowing me to Q today, it was an honor. As a young gun, you men are who I look up to and strive to be one day. Thank you for taking me in and befriending me since my first post at FWD. F3 is an outstanding program - I have become its biggest fan. Never forget to constantly push yourself and become a better version of yourself every single day. Do your best to choose the hard-right decision over the easy-wrong decision in all that you do. As Christian men we are the light and leadership of our community, we have a high calling! Answer it!

Daily receiving better than he deserves - Kyrie

See also