9/8/17 Dantes Peak Beatdown

September 8, 2017

PAX: Free Bird, Bocephus, red rider, sooner, Earhart, Snots, Ascot, Kubota, Blue and Out, Matlock. Querqueg, Blueprint, Banjo, Bogo, Mopar

Warmup: Cotton pickers

Outside and inside Merkins x 10 IC- did not turn out like I thought. My bad

Wind mills


The thang

Mosey to playground

Nickel, Dime Quarters

5 pull ups

10 decline merkins

25 Dips

Repeato x 5

Mosey to Rock pile (All IC)

Lunge walk across bridge

Man maker x 10

Curls x 10

Skull crusher x10

Shoulder press x10

Rock squatx10


Mosey to the upper traffic circle

Pain clock

Start at 12, run around back to 12 – do 12 WW2 sit ups

Run to 11, do 11 squats

Run to 10, do 10 burped

Etc. to 1


Mary – Mosey back to the cars

Low flutter x10

Low dolly x10

Freddie Mercury x10

Naked Man Moleskin: It was a pleasure leading these fine gentlemen today. It made my day to get the workout going and I was driven by all the energy of the group. Impressed with all the PAX. Banjo killed the pain clock. I was about 2 hours behind.

Prayed for people in Hurricane path and to be a positive influence on people. Some day you’re the bright spot for others around you, stay positive and look for the best. See you in the gloom.