37 is the new 47

It was a hot June night in the year of our Lord 1981. Judy and Ralph (his friends call him Dice) Jodice welcomed their first born son (of 3) into this world. The heavens shook and the Devil pooped his pants, for life as we knew it would never be the same again.

37 years later and YHC drives a small(ish) SUV, has 2 kids, a wife, an IRA and a 529 account for his children. So, needless-to-say, I’ve lived up to the hype.

Personal back-stories aside, and fresh off a 10-pack of Q’s (did you hear about it yet), I had to scoop up the Q at BO on my birthday.

Pax of 4 (Burt, YHC, WKRP and FNG TruB) for beers, nachos and pizza the night before had your QIC well lubricated and ready for a solid beatdown.

0505, 28 June 2018:

  • 5 HIMs for 3.7 on the EC (see what we did there). Tclaps to Duck, Hermes, Maid and Bayonne for joining YHC on the run

0545, 28 June 201:

  • 28 for Bootcamp


  • Head out and over to the lot by Blue Moon Bakery for 37 SSH + 10 SSH as it was noted that YHC was turning 47 at the ‘Manders game on Tuesday (thanks Flip-Flop). We did other stuff including Sir Fazio and over head clap.
  • Grab some curb for quick feet, irkins, quick feet, dirkins

The Thang: YHC saw on the social medias there is an ongoing campaign to take a selfie with the new art working popping (or is it pooping) up around DTC, so:

  • At art #1 (some kind of slab of rock, I think): Dory 1-2-3 w/ a partner. After we’re done, snap that selfie and head out.
  • At art #2 (some sorta bench thing): 37 burpees. Some rando dude took a pic of us too from his creeper van. It wasn’t Banjo. Snap a selfie and head out to the fountain.
  • Fountain for Irkin, Mnt Climbers, Bear Crawl, Irkins, MCs, Lunge, Irkin, MCs, mosey to art #3 for Monkey Humpers and a selfie.
  • Across the street to art #4 (it was a blob of some sorts, I think) for a series of plank positions.
  • Back to the flag mosey and then, per usual, a Billy run.


  • LBCs, Squats, Freddy Mercs, Squats, Heels to Heaven, Squats, Boat Canoes, 37 Merkins, Have a Nice Day

COT: 28 beasts, welcome FNG TruB (Burt’s cousin, so naturally we went with Burt backwards #HIDA).

Announcements and YHC with prayers to take us out.


  • You know how I feel about you guys at this point.
  • Been a helluva year, feel like I’ve crammed about 10 years into the last 365 days.
  • Let’s attack this next year with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind.



p.s. Pic are here.

See also