So this was my first Q, was worried for a little while that no one would show, but luckily  Adjacent showed up and then Earhart and Ninjago from a EC run so it was on.  Its definitely different being on this side of the workout. 

I first started F3 six months ago and someone mentioned that you should start Qing after about six months (later found out I probably should have been doing this sooner) but that date happed to coincide with  a pretty important personal anniversary for me, a goal I set a year ago so it seemed like fate.  Its also why I based this workout on 365, with New Years approaching and the awesome DES I think its important to remember that we don’t need to wait for those things you, can set a goal, improve your life and get that clock started today.  Well now on to the workout-

Warm Up

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Good Mornings
  • Sir Fazio
  • Seal Claps

Thang 1 (brought to you by the number 3)

Of course we had to have an odd number for my partner based workout plan but if Frisco can make pairing up in groups of three work I can make this work. Each group picked up the biggest, baddest rock they could find for a nice mosey with the rock extended over-head around the pickle with a scenic detour up the steps to the basketball court. Partners could switch as needed but I think Ninjgo carried his team’s rock the entire way. Finished up the round with Vacuum Cleaners (check out the slack dad jokes channel for my hilarious vacuum cleaner joke) stopping every three rounds for three merkins. Repeato until we finished three rounds.

Thang 2 (brought to you by the number 6)

We mosey over to the tennis courts for sevens squats on one end and burpees on the other, but in staying on theme we made it 6s instead of 7s. I thought those long courts would eat up some time but everyone crushed it so on to…

Thang 3 (brought to you by the number 5)

Everyone picked a new favorite rock so we could do 1)5 squats 2)5 rows 3)5 curls for girls 4)5 Overhead Press 5)5 Triceps extensions. Was hoping to get through five sets to stay on theme but only got to 3. Mary Circle up for Freddie Mercs, low slow flutters, Homer to Marge, and then when my brain went blank so Waterwings and Ninjago took us out with American Hammers and WWIIs. Then everyone had a nice day.

COT Count-a-rama: 5

Name-a-rama: respects x1, mehs x3, hates x1

Prayers/Praises: Prayers Ninjago’s dog Piper who passed, prayers for Waterwing’s wife as she recovers and praises for Waterwing’s newest daughter.

BOM: Earhart took us out.

Thank you for letting me lead. I realized a little while back that my default has been to step back and just be part of the group, but I want that default to be to step forward and lead and I’m lucky to have this group to give me that opportunity and hold me accountable.

Reverse Sir Fazio

See also