Somehow lured into Q-ing by Crimson, I warned him that I had no time to plan, but would step up anyway. I had some music (Classic Rock including Bob Seger) and a couple of ideas from the 327 other posts I have had. This was a Happy Vaxxers pop-up AO, designed to keep safe a couple of PAX who we know are going under the knife in the coming days. If you’re vaxxed, you’re welcome to attend. Emphasis is on safety and distancing but also pushing each other.

Cornerstone Church is the home of Monday’s Hells Bells kettlebell workout, Wednesday’s Tortoises Low-running workout, and Thursday’s Tin2Iron non-running workout. It’s got a nice big parking lot and lots of toys and other options. Since I used to be a Tortoises Site Q I was too familiar with the area.

After starting the classic rock

We mozied over to the side of the church and started our warmups:
- Good Morning x1 (Crimson called)
- Side Straddle Hop
- Sir Fazio fwd/bkwd
- Stretching: calf/runners (Roasters called)
- Merkins (Left Cheek called)
Then mozied back to where the flag is usually planted for Thang 1:
4 corners of the short pickle:
- Merkins
- LBCs
- Carolina Dry Dock
- Dying Cock-a-roach
Start with 10 at each corner, then 15, then 20, then 30. The PAX were great at rotating the lead for counting at each corner.

I got bored with that, so we went to Thang 2 over at the picnic tables
- Dips
- Irkins
then over to the pull-up bars for
- Pull-ups
- Squats
with the option to do squats instead of pull-ups if you reach your max.
Start with 5 each, increase up to 15, then stop after 20 dips and irkins for

Mary (PAX rotate in calling their favorite)
- American Hammers
- Eskimo Merkins
- Freddie Mercury
- Various stretches to close us out

COT Prayers/Praises
- Concerns about Covid for family and friends
- F3 Raleigh’s Epoxy. We don’t know when we’re going. Make the best of every moment.
- Praise for the PAX present - that pushed us, encouraged us, and shared.

Bootlegger took us out in prayer

All hung out for another few minutes even though there was no coffee (we missed you WWW and Ausphart)

It was an honor to share my #328th F3 Post with these HIM. My best days start with a Carpex post.
“Don’t count the minutes. make the minutes count.”

See also