3 Traveling Jacks

• When: March 5th, 2019
• QIC: Earhart
• The PAX: Hi-Liter, Press-On, Skipper (Ruck) YHC Earhart

Another nice afternoon, albeit a little more chilly than last Tuesday’s, Hi-Liter beatdown. 3 HIM gather under the flags for an afternoon of traveling through downtown Cary. After the quick disclaimer and the pledge, we head out, around the back of the complex and to the grassy fields for:   

Warm Up

Good evenings (a three count down, three count up)
Cotton Pickers
SSH (had to move off the still wet grass to avoid tearing it up)
Quick feet

The Thang
Done with warm-ups, we are ready to start traveling to the heart of downtown Cary and what is the best way to travel is jack-webs. Borrowing from other PAX, we start our journey with burpee jack webs, an ascending single count burpee with an ascending 4-count arm-raises. We travel along until we finally reach the library, finishing-up with a ten-count burpee, 40 count arm raises.

At the library we use the local features to perform several rounds of dips and urkins. After several rounds of these, we head to the Cary art center.

At the Art center, we perform a group of sevens, bunny hops or lunges or bear crawls up the stairs, 6 star jumps, down the ramps and 1 squat. Reapto until we are finished with 6 squats. T-claps to Hi-Liter for holding the door for a nice lady with arms full.

Back to the fountain for some left-right step-ups, dips, and dirkins, all while looking at the large group of Gladiators just 20 feet away. We considered monkey humpers for the Gladiators but, because we were proudly adorning F3 gear, thought better of it.

We now need to head back to the flags so, again, what better way to travel than with jack-webs, this time Captain Thors. These are an ascending single count big boy sit-up with an accompanying 4-count American hammer. We work our way back to the flags eventually for:

Hi-Liter led us in stretching and working out the kinks for the day of workouts.

Bell tolls 6:30 and time to finish.


Count-a-rama: 4 PAX


It was an honor lead a great group of HIM!

See also