+3 mi Closer to Bethlehem @ SNS


Warm Up

23 PAX took off for SNS while 6 departed for Vesper. Mosey to the intersection for a selection of SSH, Imperial Walkers, slow/fast high knees to warm up the legs.

Thang 1: Community Center Parking lot

Count off into three groups for No-Man-Left-Behind Burpee 100.  Group 1 starts doing burpees at stop sign entering parking lot. Count burpees as a group, slowest count is the group count. Group 2 starts at the rock pile/wall doing Balls to the Wall.  Group 3 runs from rock pile to relieve Group 1 doing burpees, picking up the count where they left off.  Group 1 then runs to relieve Group 2 doing BTTW, Group 2 then runs to relieve Group 3 doing burpees…repeat until the total Burpee count is 100.  Each groups stays together.  Each group did right about 33 burpees and a 2 cycles of BTTW to failure.  Funny how that works out.

Indian Run in your 3 groups from Community Center Parking Lot to Sertoma Amphitheatre Parking lot

Thang 2: (A shortened) Sertoma Amphitheatre Parking Lot

Partner up for partner wheelbarrow relay to the end of the (unfortunately short) parking lot, run back.  Do relays in your 3 groups. PAX waiting do some Mary, including LBC and Squats.

Indian Run in your 3 groups from Sertoma Amphitheatre Parking lot to Bond Park Lake parking lot and large shelter

Thang 3:  BP Lake Shelter and Parking lot

In groups of 3 PAX, YHC called DORA 1-2-3 with 100 Derkins, 200 Alt LR Stepup, 300 LBC.  Leave one PAX behind, 2 PAX run around the small parking lot pickle.  Drop 1 PAX to continue Dora while other two.  This way you run 2 laps, exercise 1.  Most PAX made it through the 200 Stepups befrore YHC had to audible because of time. Some HIM were working on the LBCs.

Indian Run in 3 Groups back to the Comm Center parking lot via the trail (the short way).  Stop at Community center parking lot for AYG to the corner.  A couple 10 counts.  A second AYG back to the flag and I believe most of the PAX had enough, including YHC.

Mary consisted of 30 seconds of Have a Nice Day.

Prayers and Praises: Young man in Chinese Downhill’s son’s fraternity, Grease’s Mom, Fires in California


  • Covered 2.8 mi towards Bethlehem, pleasure to lead you men this morning, second Q for YHC.
  • Incredible job picking up the 6 today and keeping all PAX together.  Great effort out there.


PAX (SNS and Vesper): Ma Bell, Theisman, Banjo, Coney, BOGO, Jiggly Puff, Joe Smith, Chanticleer, Khakis, Flacco, Shut, McCants, Half, Hello Kitty, Angry Elf, Water Wings, Snots, Shank, Denali, Grease, Chinese Downhill, Nickel, Smokey, Loom, Michelob, Napster, Saban, Hot Spot, Parker

See also