3.9 miles + a boat load of stuff in between ... The things you come up with to fill 1.5 hrs

Date: 8/31/19

PAX: Cataracts, EarharT, Kermit, Lookout, Peeping Tom, Sub, Trike, WWW

YHC got the honor to Co-Q with Peeping Tom (True HIM). PT approached me via Slack. We were supposed to Q The Green Mile a few weeks back but I had to take an anniversary weekend trip to beach. So, when PT asked, I didn’t hesitate to accept. Here is a learning point: we did coordinate with each other but we weren’t specific on what we were doing. Unfortunately, what I had in mind was very similar to what PT had in mind. Fortunately, because we have Q’d numerous beatdowns, we modified as needed and it all worked out in the end. Learning point - be specific on what the plan is or hell just be prepared with other routines in mind and go with the flow.

We got the F3 admin stuff out of the way, quickly and Pledged our Allegiance to Old Glory and off we went, not far mind you, to the bottom of the entrance for warm-up by way of YHC.

Warm-up: GM, hamstring stretch (c/l/r), calf stretch, Eskimo Merkins, Sir Fazio, Thunderstruck.

Hand off to Peeping Tom who took us to the soccer field for beatdown #1: Four corners x 4 rounds

Corner 1: V-ups x10

Corner 2: burpees x10

Corner 3: pickle pounders x10

Corner 4: Turkish get-ups x10

Pass off back to YHC for beatdown #2: Dora 1/2/3 - Merkin x100, jump squats x200, SSH x300

Mosey over to the parked buses for Beatdown #3: trip around the buses.

Run around the bus and side shuffle in between the buses the long length of the bus 3 times for 2 rounds.

Repeato replacing the shuffle with bear crawl for 2 rounds.

Hand off to PT for beatdown #5: Partner up for some bear crawl erkin stairway to heaven. Partner 1 does bear crawl erkins up the stairs while partner 2 does people’s chair, flapjack. Repeato replacing PC with BTTW.

Mosey to the flag but stopping off for Beatdown #6: Parking Space Merkins

1 each corner +1 each round for 5 rounds.

Continuing the mosey to the flag for Rubberband Man for 10 mins with YHC.

Have a nice day.

COR: 8

NOR: Respect x2, mehs x6


AOs open for Labor Day

Carying Place 5K in Labor Day

9/11 Stair Climb at Carter Finley

The Odyssey on 10/5

CarPex Annual Family Picnic 10/5

CarPex 1st Annual Golf Tournament on 10/7

BOM: EarharT led us out.


The Green Mile is made for Co-Qs. Great way to team up and bring the fatigue.

It’s always an honor to be out there with True HIMs.

F3 continues to bring blessings to grow: physically, mentally, spiritually.

Until next time, see you again in the gloom.

See also