3/15/18: Welcome to the party, pals!

Sometimes things just have a tendency to work out. YHC signed up to Q at BO on Bartmanniversary III, and as it turned out, Rolling Stone was set to be at the same site on the same day. What to do? Panic? Never. Worry? Nah. Adjust and move forward. How about a ruck-friendly workout for everyone? Perfect.

Thirteen arrived, three jogged off to get a last taper in before TRHM, and ten set off to do some work. Eight brought their own gravity augmentation devices. T-claps!


All the classics, all the time. SSH x20, GM x10, IW x20, Merkin x20, MC x20.

Signature warm-up move - overhead clap x20 IC, seal clap x20 IC, and then a new one. Pick some cherries, put ’em in the basket. Pick more cherries, put ’em in the basket.. pick more cherries.. repeat until upper arms fall off, then do a few more.

Count off ones and twos, and Indian run with your group to the pocket park. We took a.. circuitous route.

Thang 1: Pyramid of pain

5x derkins on short wall

10x irkins on short wall, 5x derkin..

15x box jump (or ALRSU) on wall, 10, 5..

20x squats

.. then back down.

Thang 2: Team Building

Teams compete in relay races, winning team picks exercise for loser to do 20 of.

Round 1: broad jump to opposite wall and back. Some chose a loose interpretation of “broad.” Deuces win, ones do merkins.

Round 2: ruck-passing relay with a serpentine run. Ones win, deuces do LBCs. Ones decide to do them to in a show of solidarity.

YHC was waiting to see how many rounds it would take for the winners to do the punishment with the losers. To realize that we are one team. Good work, fellas. Galatians 6:6 - Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Round 3: modified tunnel-of-love, but instead of low crawl the whole way, go over one PAX’s back, and under the next. Two rounds, deuces win again.

Bonus round, not a race. YHC demonstrated the shoulder firefighter carry, everyone picked a similarly-sized partner and went down and back.

Moderate mosey back to the flags for 36x flutter kicks with weight overhead, with runners in attendance.


Three years of F3. 36 months. 6x6. Galatians 6:6. I’ve treasured the opportunity to be with you all and witness the shield lock, the bearing of one another’s burdens, the ever-present encouragement of a fellow PAX member.

Prayers for YHC’s grandfather and best of luck to all those running this weekend. Aye!


Yep, almost saw some merlot. Contrary to popular belief, YHC was not coaching anyone to spill it into the TOC pond.

Our workout was not exactly a representative Welcome Party, but I may have stolen some elements from it. Come on out on June 1 and see.

Thanks to the Wake County school bus for honking at us rather than just barreling into the COT. #safetyfirst

See also