
12 HIM came out to learn more about 2T3S.  How does this simple statement impact our lives, our family and friends.  

2 Timothy 1:7  For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control

2T - Toughness Physically & Mentally - To serve our families and community as leaders we must prepare ourselves.  It is not easy to get up at 5am (most) everyday and work ourselves to a pulp, suffering through a beatdown.  But we do it nearly everyday as our investment in ourselves to better support our families and community.  It is precisely the self-control that we exhibit that provides us the fuel to rise at 5am to grow stronger physically and mentally.  We never know when the physical or mental assets we possess will be called into action; Be Ready for Whatever.

Romans 5:3  Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance

3S - Speed Strength Stamina

  • Lap around Soccer Field then circle up

  • SSH x 44 (just bc), Good Mornings, Burpees

  • Mozy to playground

  • Pull ups x 10 OYO

  • Jog down path to stairs

  • Bear Crawl down stairs (all teeth still accounted for)

  • Jog back to soccer field

  • 4 cones, 5 exercises x 10, 2 ways to travel

  • Start - Wide arm Superman Merkins x10

  • Bear crawl to cone 1

  • Mountain Climbers x10

  • Lunge Walk to cone 2

  • Diamond Merkins

  • Bear Crawl to cone 3

  • WWII x10

  • Lunge Walk to cone 4

  • something , I do not remember

  • Circle up for new fav - Catalina Whine Makers - x15

  • Couple laps around soccer field various steps


  • LBC x 50 IC
  • Plank Hold (20 count)
  • Left Arm up Plank Hold (10 count) then +10 Shaqura
  • Right Arm up Plank Hold (10 count) then +10 Shaqura
  • Low slow Flutter x 15 (IC)
  • Homer to Marge
  • Boat Canoe
  • Freddy Merc


Bulls game Sunday 7/23 5:30 pm


Prayer Requests

Bones 2.0 #3 arrival eta 6am 7/22

Pet Sounds MIL - prayers she finds the strength to beat this bacteria that keeps coming back to her knee replacement.  2 years is a long time

Naked Moleskin

Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who give me strength

  • For more on 2t3s http://f3nation.com/2016/01/22/3s2t-what-exercise-should-breed/

Thank you all for being the influence YHC needs in his life

See also