2nd Time Around

Shank put out the APB for a Q on Sunday night. YHC perused the work calendar for a moment, and heeded the call. I was set for my 2nd ever Q on Thursday at BO, but in retrospect I’m glad it came a couple of days early.

Monday, being President’s Day, provided the rare opportunity to double dip for an AO survey and an outing with my 2.0. The last few weeks have been bittersweet on that front - my M is 36 and a half weeks along with our 2.1, so we’re trying to soak up every last bit of time with only one on the outside. This little almost 2-year-old shook my life up hard when she was born. She has been my biggest source for a lot of things - great joy, surprising anger, staggering humility - and I get a little spooked thinking about how much life is going to change with another little baby in the mix. And if it’s going to hit me hard… poof, what is it going to be like for Berdie?

Preparing for today’s workout felt a bit similar. A new AO is one step closer to being born today (t-claps Yogi and the HT crew). FWD is celebrating one-year today (t-claps Hermes and Chanticleer). Which leaves me and Beaker to hold down the other AOs this morning. The focus might not be squarely on us, but there are still faithful PAX to be beatdown. So let’s freakin do it.

I’ve been to this AO around 5 times… and have never laid eyes on the pond for which the park is named. So…


Scoop up GTL and mosey to the far end of the pond.

  • 2.0, I mean 20, SSH
  • 20 GM

Mosey back to the starting lot.

  • 20 Cotton Pickers
  • 20 Merkins

Mosey toward the Track. Stop at the parking lot for

  • Paint the lines.
  • Paint the lines in a backwards position.
  • Alternate Broad Jumps and Bunny Hops to the end.

Continue to the track. After scaling the fence…

The Thang

As a group, the PAX do an exercise together as we move along the track backwards. One (audible to 2) PAX at a time runs a forward lap on the track to return to the group. When the PAX return, reconvene with the 6 for the next exercise.

  • Crabwalk
  • High Knees
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Lungewalk
  • Duckwalk
  • Bearcrawl
  • Imperial Lunge Walkers
  • Rockette Hillbillies
  • Tunnel of Love
  • Hillbillies

Mosey back toward the flag. Stop at the first circle for LBC Ring of Fire.

Mosey back toward the flag again. Stop at the next circle for an accelerated LBFC Ring of Fire.

Mosey back to the flag. THAT’S IT.

COR - 20 (+ an early departure for 21)

NOR - something like 5 Respects, 15 Mehs, 1 Hate


  • Wolverine now a 5:30 start time.
  • Ruckers hit SnS tomorrow and honor a fallen PAX.
  • Shutty’s BBQ on 2/28.

Prayer Requests/Praises:

  • Callahan’s buddy Luke is finishing Chemo soon.


I fell into my first unintentionally clever exercise by including the Tunnel of Love in a set of exercises dedicated to my 2.0 and her upcoming sibling. I was really just looking for a T exercise, but you’re welcome for the imagery.

Sorry (not sorry) to the ruckers for the run heavy nature of the first half. Y’all killed it though, serious t-claps to y’all.

My brother-in-law (F3-Spock) works at Qdoba. Because of this, I really though Kubota’s name was Qboda. I’ll retro-correct last week’s BB.

Preciate you all. I’m quite aware that I’m new to the Q game, so any pointers you have, hit me up on Slack or something. Hope to see you all at BO on Thursday!

See also