27 years and counting

Frustrating game for YHC to sort of watch last night. Flip and family were over for dinner and board games so the game was on mostly in the background but every time I looked up, something not good was happening. The 49ers were scoring… Elliot was gaining 0.1 yard… penalty after penalty. Then, after getting Cowboy Nation excited with the prospects of a major comeback, Mike McCarthy turns into Barry Switzer (or maybe he was all along) and Dak does his best Romo impressonation and we are now at 27 years since Michael, Emmitt and Troy last lifted the SB trophy.

At least I don’t have to pay these guys’ salaries.

For those reading this weeks, months or years from now, note that Sunday was an all around crappy and dreary day. Snow followed by sleet followed by rain. By sundown a freeze was threatening Monday’s AOs. One site Q after another ‘closed’ their operations for the morning. Thankfully Two Factor and Charmin’ knew better.

"@Pierogi has your Q tomorrow at #ao-mon-ateam He’s cheering for the Cowboys so will have just as much frustration to take out on the pax as YHC… Be there!!" said the pre-blast. Heck yes!

Roads were fantastic. Conditions were worse a few weeks ago when YHC Q’ed Measured Twice and you couldn’t see more than 10 yards thanks to the rain. Today just cold and windy. And dry.

Four of us huddled up at the flag waiting for any last minute stragglers to show. 5:45 comes so it’s time to go. A slow rolling sedan is seen but it quickly slides by so we take off up the hill towards the Elementary School. “Greetings Cally!”. Not quite copping to the fact that he was late, Cally odds things up for us as we circle up to warm up.


  • 5 IC GMs, followed by some combination of IWs, SSHs, butt-kickers and some other stuff
  • 14 regular, wide-grip and diamond merkins on my down. Cowboys had 14 seconds to run that last play and down the ball. They failed. We did not.
  • warmup lap to introduce the PAX to the circuit

Thang 1

Runner 1 does the “big” loop in the parking lot while the remaining PAX do the “short” loop finishing on an AMRAP exercise of Runner 2’s choice.

On his return, Runner 1 passes the baton. Continue.

We did five circuits finishing off on one more big loop.

Thang 2

Lining up for some sprints. Mosey 2/3rds around the parking lot and sprint the last 1/3rd. The umpire only had to sprint up the field after Dak to set the ball and give the ‘Boys a shot at one last play. The ump was slow. We were not. We did this three times. A fourth was considered but Charmin’ noted that a BM was threatening to ruin his morning so YHC relented.

Thang 3

27 merkins on my down.

Plank hold.

27 more merkins on my down.

Mosey for Callahan’s camera - conveniently close by - and snap a photo with the school penguin. Oh snap… his battery is dead.

27 more merkins on my down. If you read above you know why.

Mosey back to the flag.


  • Rosalita, Box Cutters, LBC, E2K-L, Hello Dolly, Merkins (27x), E2K-R.


  • 5 PAX braved the conditions this morning
  • See you back here in two weeks for Duck Donuts Dash
  • Prayers for Yahoo, family & Dynamo


Fun crew this morning. Really hoping Callahan came through with the photo this morning.

Coffeeteria after was on point as we converged with most of CARPEx at the SB on 55. Cally must not have gotten the message, dead phone and all. :(

See also