26 @ 23

26 men congregated in the 23 degree temps at Carpex’s Shakin’ Not Stirred this morning. With the cold temps, YHC tried to pull up Dredd’s chart recommended clothing for a bootcamp, but couldn’t find it, and clearly the PAX didn’t consult the chart either—-everything from no shirts, to short sleeves, to full Sherpa, and everything in between.

Speaking of Dredd, when he and OBT envisioned F3, I’m not so sure they had what Carpex has become as the paragon model….at least not based on today: Botched introduction and disclaimers, unusual warm up, bizarre exercises not in the Exicon, problematic numbers, overbearing chatter, and no 6-minutes of Mary. whatevs

W/U: jog to community center with some sprinkled high knees, UGA footballers, and side shuffles. Line up across from each other for an active moving w/u of Walking IWs, Frankenstein’s, Gate Openers, skips for height….all with backwards jog to starting position. Paint-The-Lines to plank hold on Metro. Whoa…Callahan showed up in time to paint 3 lines.

Thang 1: Partner Paula Abdul with HRM and cariocas…..from Comm Center to intersection of Metro and Bond Park Dr., then a few core exercises.

Thang 2: Triple Nickels on Bond Park Dr. hill, with exercises of Peter Parker and Parker Peters on each end. Then a few core exercises.

Thang 3: Bernie Sanders x 1, then jog to shelter for 2-3 sets of dips and Derkins.

Thang 4: Metro Intervals: tempo run to light pole, x 5 SSH, jog to next light pole. Repeato to the Billy Run line. Billy Run to Shovel Flag.

Count-a-rama: 26
Name-a-rama: coupla hates, buncha Mehs and Respects, and an Honor or two.
Announcements: Freed To Bleed 12/2 at Taylor YMCA, TCP 12/3 starting at 2:00, Christmas Parade next weekend, Christmas Party 12/14. Praises/Prayers: Parker fam., Captain Hook surgery, McCants fam, Brie’s fam.
Ball-of-Man: Flacco took us out like a pro
Coffeeteria: provided on-site by Kwik Stop

Nekkid Mole Skin:
* Prodigal looked grossly overdressed as usual
* I believe Callahan thinks all workouts start 6 min past posted start time. c’mon bro, this ain’t Dollywood.
* At least one person said today was in the top best 8 workouts ever at Shakin’ Not Stirred. Of note, SNS YHC led workouts are all in the top 12. Had YHC thrown in a Ride The Wave, prob would have been a SNS top 3 workout.
* Hello Kitty wore his “tactical pants” for the workout, which honestly he could wear from the gamut of workouts to funerals. very versatile indeed.

twas a pleasure
luv you,
Flip Flop (that’s singular)