21s for Double Down

Our bros in Louisville put a call out to the Nation this week.  To post on Tuesday, wear black, and get a pax picture holding up Ace of Spades to show support for Double Down, who is starting his fight against cancer.

For me, it’s cool to see his name is Double Down, which we probably all know is a betting strategy in Blackjack.  Cancer can be a game of blackjack sometimes.  You know the cards you were dealt but there’s still the unknown of what the dealer has in store.  Now, you can sit back and just hope the dealer busts and not do anything.  OR you can say, HELL NO, I GOT THIS!  I will beat the dealer!  I won’t just sit here and see what happens.  It’s go time!  HIT ME!

You got this Double D!  We’re right there with you cheering you on.

So to theme it out we worked with the ole number 21!

0530, hit the pax with the disclaimer and the pledge then we’re off.

Warm Up

Circle up at the basketball courts for SSWU (Shut-In Signature Warm Up)

  • 10 Good Mornings
  • 15 Hillbillies
  • 20 Standard Merkins
  • 25 SSH

Thang 1 - 4 sets / 21 reps

  • 21 Pull Ups
  • 21 Diamond Merkins
  • 21 Kneel Downs (take both knees to the ground then stand back up)
  • 21 Dips

Thang 2 - Track Work

400M:  Partnerup, P1 lunge walk, P2 run 200M and come back to recover your partner and run back to the 200M point.  Wait for the 6.  Flapjack the last 200M back to the start line.

100M:  P1 broad jump burpee, P2 run to the 100M line and back to partner.  Flapjack until as a pair you broad jump burpeed the entire 100M.

1600M:  Catch Me If You Can with Backwards Run and 5 V-ups

TOTAL:  2100 Meters

Thang 3 - The Wall

This got cut short because Thang 2 went too long but we tried.

BTTW - 10 Count People’s Chair - 11 Count IC 21.


  • Toys, get your toys in!!
  • Christmas party, get signed up!!
  • Prayers for my dad and family with loss of my uncle.
  • Prayers for Quiver’s Grandma
  • Prayers for Double Down


  • Butt Fumble!  Butt Fumble!?  Butt Fumble??
  • Always good to have Mini Me back!  #Kotters
  • A vast array of attire this morning.  Low 40s is tough to assess.  YHC thought he was good but the wind caused “feels like” to get the best of me.
  • 13ish for Coffeeteria.  The Wake Zone is the most accomodating coffeeteria is Carpex.  Can’t wait to get the one over by Dante’s Peak soon!
  • There was good times and funny stuff said but YHC is writing this too late to remember all the fun chatter, ma bad..

See also