21 for 22's

Warm-Up Mosey out of the park and safely across Cary Parkway to the office park and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios forward and reverse. Notice Red Ryder’s smiling face as he sneaks into the circle, ask the site Q’s what time we start, confirm my suspicion that he’s late, reward his tardiness with ten burpees OMD (#noOYObro). Close out the warm-up with good mornings and criticism of my cadence. Starting to get a little angry.

The Thang Mosey through the office park, down to Tryon and over to the Cary Church of Christ parking lot for 22’s. Run to the bottom of the lot for 21 prisoner squats, mosey back to the top for 1 merkin, repeato dropping four at the bottom and adding four at the top until we hit 1 and 21.

And just for fun, five burpees in the middle of each trip.

Mosey back to the office park and circle up for Homer to Marge, dying cock-a-roaches and Freddie Mercs while we wait for the six. But the six took another route back to the flag, so we mosey safely across Cary Parkway to the basketball court.

This is where it went off the rails.

Mary YHC asks the pax to call a ten count Mary exercise, starting with our Raleigh brother Butterfly, who calls pistol squats. Move on to Freebird who calls diamond merkins. Crimson finally calls a Mary exercise, American hammers, but does twenty of them.

Duck’s gettin’ angry….

Confirm with Term Paper that the only two criteria were #1 ten count and #2 a Mary exercise.

Ten burpees OMD!

Close out with Red Ryder calling ten dying cock-a-roaches in perfect cadence, and Have A Nice Day.

COT Count-a-rama:  21 Name-a-rama:  6 RESPECT, 14 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Ausfhart, Sooey and all our brothers who have dealt with health issues recently, and praises for all the progress they’ve made. BOM:  YHC took us out

NMS An angry duck is a happy duck.

Welcome Butterfly from Raleigh, hope you enjoyed your visit.

I had something new I brought back from Jacksonville, all that running and burpees ate up too much time. Another day.

Thanks to Smokey for helping with the names.

There were whispers that Red Ryder showed up late just so YHC would call burpees. There were more whispers that we conspired on this plan. I’ll leave it to the reader to decide.

Crimson knows just what button to push with YHC. Clapping on burpees. It just ain’t right.

This one was tough but we had a lot of fun, thanks for letting me lead.

See also