20 of everything

Started to get a little nervous this morning as it was just mere minutes before Main Event here at Tortoises and we only have 5 PAX in attendance. I knew we had a Nan’tan Q taking place not too far away that might be getting a large crowd. Next thing I know 3 out of 4 doors open on Meatloaf’s car and we are now up to 8 PAX. No FNG’s so let’s get started with the pledge. Quick mosey around the lot and circle up.

Started stretching with good mornings, SSH, calf stretch, seal clap, and Finkle Swings. Time to partner up.

Mosey to hill. Partner 1 ran to bottom of hill and did 5 plank jack merkins while Partner 2 squat hold. Partner 1 Bernie Sanders run back to top. Repeato 4 times.

Mosey to front entrance of church. P1 starts to lunge walk around pickle while P2 does 5 Bobby Hurley’s & 5 monkey jumpers. Catch your partner and repeato until completed the pickle.

Mosey to pull up bars. P1 does 5 pull-ups while P2 does dips. Repeato 4 times.

Mosey to picnic tables. P1 does 20 LR Stepups while P2 holds back planks. Repeato 4 times.

Mosey around the lot and find some curb. P1 does 10 Merkins while P2 does quick feet. Repeato 4 times.

Mosey around the lot again and time for final exercise, 20 Bropees.

Circle up for Mary, the alphabet was called, planks, american hammers, lbc’s, homer to marge, and others that i can’t remember now.

Prayers for Quiver’s 2.0, Doogie’s BIL, and WWW friend.

See also