2 Years of Suck

Date: 1/8/2020

PAX: Sour Mash, Free bird, Red Ryder, Theismann, Slappy, Slim Shady, Ramsey, Frisco, Schlitz, PBX, Biner,

Thanks to all who came out to help my celebrate 2 years of Shenanigans. This morning will be filled a mix of things I love and hate from this time because I believe we grow most when we are uncomfortable.

Warm up Mosey

Warm Up:

Arm Circles

Imperial Walkers


Good Mornings


Thing 1

Count off by 2

  • 20 Dips
  • Bear Crawl down
  • BTTW
  • Run back to Step up

Thing 2

Run Around Pattern stopping for Exs

  • Crab Walk
  • Crawl Bear
  • All you got
  • Backwards run

Thing 3

In small parking lot behind the school

  • Star jumps
  • World’s worst merkins
  • Balance Squats (on one foot)
  • Empty wheel barrow
  • Absolution
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Underdogs


Krispy Kreme Challenge sign up as team Carpex

Skipper is doing something Epic this Friday come ruck with

Invading Raleigh on MLK Day