2 Years & Counting

15 HIM joined YHC in my 2nd Anniversary of F3

Starting with disclaimer and pledge We plant, grow and serve these groups to

Warm Up with Mozy to parking lot. good mornings side straddle hops Sir Fazio Arm Circles / reverse Imperial Walkers

Thang 1: Mozy to small field for 7’s group 1: wolverines + star jumps group 2: Mountain climbers + squats

Thang 2: Mozy to track - Catch me if you can

round 1: P1: 5 merkins P2: run round 2: P1: 10 monkey humpeers P2: run round 3: P1: 5 Squats P2: Run

Thang 3: Mozy to BB court for MARY American Hammers LBC Scoota Buddah Have a nice day

- COT - YHC Shared following stats/thoughts. • 118 Posts (missed 4 months of post due to shut down) • 12 2ndF’s • 1 Lake Trip

Looking forward to 2021 Commitment vs Ownership. Commit to showing up. Own the time you are here.

Thanks to the F3 brotherhood. Thanks again to my M & 2.0’s

See also