2 Minutes DIDS us in

Disco Duck warned us that the gates of Hells Bells don’t open until almost 5:30, so I didn’t plan on being early. I drove to the shelter to set up station signs that got both compliments and flack for being laminated (no Pickles I won’t autograph one for you). FNG Two Factor met me outside the shelter and I pointed him to the normal starting spot. 5:30 came quickly after that.

Disclaimer give for the benefit of 2 FNGs - “I am not a professional - this is only he the second time that I’ve done this…”  and we’re off…

Warm Up

Mozy around the large pickle

SSH x19

Good Mornings x 5

Imperial Walker x5

Hillbilly x5

Merkin x10

Plank Jack x9

Mountain Climber x9

Sir Reginald Fazio Arm Circles x10

Reverse Sir Fazio x10

Pick up bells, find a partner, ask him about his weekend and mozy to shelter


Stations at the shelter with music. 2 minutes each timed, move to next until all stations hit.

  • Figure 8 s

  • Curls

  • KB swings

  • Triceps

  • Goblet squats

  • Lawn mowers

  • LBC w/ KB

2 minutes seemed short when I planned this, but long when we did it. 90 seconds might be better next time.


On walls in front of stage - DIDS:

  • Dips x20, move to next wall OMD
  • Irkens x20, move to next wall OMD
  • Derkins x20, then move to stage OMD
  • Step-ups: Left-Right 20-ish OYO


Same as THANG 1, but 1 minute stations instead of 2 minutes. Pace was much quicker and there was less chattter.  We all Finished Strong.

Mozy back to starting spot,

Not much time for Mary, so last exercise was 5 Burpees OYO to satisfy Crimson


19 PAX Strong today!

We welcomed FNGs Two Factor and Short Sale

Prayers for Matlock’s back injury recovery.


I didn’t mention the reason that I Q’d today: My first F3 post was October 28, 2017 in Nashville, NC. Chinese Downhill and his brother Gilligan led the 7am workout for the wedding of Chinese Downhill’s son Brodie and my daughter. It was a bit fuzzy after the rehearsal dinner & party, but I remember running around a Holiday Inn parking lot and doing merkins and other funny named things. It took me a while after that to start posting regularly - 5:45 seemed way too early. By January I was posting about twice per week. Back then it was FMJ and BH. But the running got to my knees, so now I usually post at HB and Tortoises. I row 3-4 times per week or else you’d see me post more.

It was a pleasure to lead. The second time is easier than the first.

See also