2 Live Crew

Two year anniversary. Wonderful group today.

YHC went for a long-ish run yesterday, so today was a Parker-style ME shred.

Warm-Up (for some reason I always call “have a nice days” instead of “good mornings” - I make this strange mistake every time - will tighten up).

Thing 1: Rock Circuit x3 (oblique sit-ups, single-leg deadlifts, mountain climbers)

Thing 2: Rock Circuit x3 (goblet squat, jump squat, pushup, shoulder tap)

Thing 3: EMOM (rows, side lunge/curl, half burpees to half-satisfy good brother Disco Duck)

Thing 4: Plank on Water with HK drops.

Announcements: good job on Freed to Bleed, Duck Donut Dash is coming 2/6, new FNG-friendly F3Raleigh workout on Saturday mornings at the Cathedral off Western

Praises: My own thankfulness, prayers on behalf of OC


Life presents us opportunities to learn, and this morning was no exception.

The trajectory of my life changed because I didn’t join that poker game. Thanks to each of you.

See also