2 BLIMPS are Better than 1

The day was Oct. 8, 2020, a day when the weather probably should have been a lot colder than it was. I have to keep reminding myself though that we live in NC, and thats just normal. But it was great workout weather, so nobody was complaining. It was also the day that 9 pax gathered at Koka Booth for the earliest boot camp in Carpex! YHC was the first one there, which I’m not really use to, and as the time drew closer my brain was starting to wonder if they moved the spot to another parking area or something. Those thoughts quickly went away when everyone started coming in at the same time.

So when 5:15 came we recited the Pledge and we were moseying. Our FNG joined us as we started, so we gave him the disclaimer as we were moving.

Warm Up:

Run lap around the little parking lot, stopping to do Good Mornings, and SSH. Run another lap, mixing in some karaokes. Stop to do more warm up exercises: Daisy Pickers, Overhead Clap, Mtn. Climbers, and Calf Stretches. Finish with everyone Chillcut in a circle, and 10 counting around said circle.

Thang 1:

we ran to main parking lot, which is where we did the B.L.I.M.P.S. routine, (for anyone who doesn’t know its Burpees, Lunges, Imperial Walkers**, Merkins, Plank Jacks,** and Squats**)**, covering the entire area of the parking lot. With rep counts increasing as it went on. We finished the routine by doing a little calf and ab work: Calf Raises, Leg Levers, American Hammers.

Thang 2:

Retracing our steps we did B.L.I.M.P.S. backwards, which would be S.P.M.I.L.B. (don’t ask me to pronounce that). The rep counts, however, remained the same. I ended up cutting this just a little short, but I don’t think anyone minded. Especially after doing that many Burpees…


  • Dying Cockroaches
  • LBCs
  • 100s


9 Pax

Welcome FNG: Otis


Odyssey Oct. 24th

VHS’ movie night this Saturday at 6:30pm, check Slack.


For the little boy Snip knows who is going to have open heart surgery.

For any pax still on IR

YHC took us out.

See also