Burpees around the world with bear crawls in between!

Woke up not expecting 46° after all the previous warm weather. Although, it was a beautiful morning to work the body, mind, and spirit. YHC/QIC did not write down what the workout regimen was going to be but he did have an idea that he contemplated over several days leading up to his Q… the goal was to put the HIMs to the test and to keep everyone as a group (so to speak).

Warm Up

SSHs, GMs, Cotton pickers, Sir Fazio arm circles forward and back and some overhead claps.  In honor of Disco Duck’s solo Q at Rush Hour, QIC closed out the warm-ups with 10 burpees on my down.

Thang 1

We mosey over to the hill #3 which has a steeper incline. The HIMs were perplexed because they have not seen this hill before and weren’t sure what was going to happen. QIC called 11s with a twist. Top of the hill 1 squat, mosey down to bottom of the hill for 10 merkins. Here’s the twist; instead of running up the hill, QIC had the HIMs bear crawl up the hill. The first round was not so bad but the thought of having to do 9 more rounds settled in and the grumbling began. The HIMs kept asking for an audible but QIC stayed on regimen. QIC was proud of the boys for completing the thang. QIC asked Red Ryder and R2D2 for a much needed 10 count. After some good inhales and exhales to saturate the muscle fibers with oxygen, it was time for thang 2.

Thang 2

We mosey back to the original parking lot at the bottom. QIC calls burpees around the world. HIMs lunge walk 2 parking lines and 5 burpees around the parking lot. After the 3rd set of burpees, HIMs starting moaning with a bunch of mumblechatter and wanted an audible. Got to the 1st light, QIC obliged with an audible, lunge walk 2 parking lines and 4 burpees to the next light. More moaning was going on with another request to audible. QIC obliged again and called lunge walk 3 parking lines followed by 3 burpees until we got back to starting point.

Burpee count for the morning: 78

After thang 2, we mosey to the top of the parking lot to pay homage to our favorite lady, Mary, PAX choice.


Low slow flutter, dying cock-a-roaches, WWIIs, Khakis’ chill cut mountain climbers, box cutters, LBC, (I do not know the name of the exercise so here is the description) Ugga’s plank and pee on the fire hydrant, Homer to Marge, Hello Dolly, QIC calls Have a Nice Day to end the morning.


Count-a-rama: 9 HIMs

Name-a-rama: WWW, Disco Duck, Red Ryder, Khakis, R2D2, Ugga, Spartan, Ascot, Crimson

Announcements: Shutty’s BBQ tonight, The Mule, the Bull

Prayer Requests: Disco’s M in her continued recovery, Tony’s cancer surgery, Ascot’s family fighting the flu bug, Red Ryders friend’s Dad, and Red Ryder’s friend with cancer.

YHC/QIC took us out praying for all of us to be great men!

See also