1stF #7 of 7 BD & F3’versary Q-week: What a Rucking great time with a lot of moisture.

Believe it or not, rucking was not one of those workouts I had in mind when I was developing the personal challenge and I’m so glad I used it as the pinnacle of the beatdowns.  Don’t get me wrong, the other beatdowns is as it sounds, beatdowns!  They were all a lot of fun to Q.

What spurred the need to add rucking to the list of Q’s and to make it the pinnacle of my BD F3’versary Q week stemmed from the Rucking/F3/FIA Triple Down Convergence.  Rucking was the first event and it was led by none other than Bartman.  F3 Carpex’s Rucking Guru and Rucking Beast.  You want to know anything rucking, hit up Bartman.  If you have not done any rucking, give it a shot!  It is a rucking good time!

I did not have a lot of rucking gear so I sent out a DM to Bartman to see if he would let me use the rucking gear that he had.  He gladly oblidged (T-claps and much appreciated knowing that it was going to be a moist morning).  I met him at his humble abode to pick up the monster of all monsters, the infamous tree log.  If you have not carried the log, you do not know what your missing.  My first experience with it was during the convergence.  That was a lot of WOOD to play with!  I carried it several times along with my partner during the beatdown and after it all, I had to smoke a cigarette.

As the PAX showed up, unknowingly about what I had in store for them, they saw the coupons and the moaning began.  Yes boys, no running!  There was no option other than grabbing the few rucks we had and then either picking out the pain stick of choice or partner up to carry the log.

We had two FNGs in the mix so I gave the standard disclaimer and off we go.  We moseyed to warm up the legs and get to our first stop for some warm up.  The warm-up was a little vanilla:  Good Mornings, Merkins, plank jacks, mountain climbers, Sir Fazio forward & reverse, and lastly, air presses.

Off to the next stop and the lower parking lot for the thang.

Thang 1:

Circle up to get deep into it and get them moist. Merkins OMD to start.

On your six for coupon presses.  I could hear it in their voices … WTF-over.  Yes boys, on your 6.  Presses OMU.  One of the comments was “there is a shelther only 50 feet away”  Sure thing but NOT!

Next exercise was WWIIs OMU.

Thang 2:

Partner up.  Partner 1 walk the pickle doing overhead presses while partner two did squats with their coupon for 2 rounds.

Mosey over to the shelther for thang 3.

Thang 3:

Partner 1 does BTTW, while partner 2 did 10 irkins and 10 dirkins and flap-jack. 3 rounds.

Still under the shelther, QIC called People’s Chair with their coupon.

Thang 4:

While in People’s Chair, we did presses for 25, recover. 10 count.  Back into PC, it was time for curls for girls for 15 IC.

Mosey back to the flag.  I stopped at every other lightpole for somemore fun.  First stop:  More merkins and WWIIs with coupon.  Second stop:  lunges with coupon and mountain climbers.

We get back to the flag and drop off the coupons.  The PAX was exuberant because they got rid of their load.  We still had about 20 mins left.  Partner up again for Thang 5: Dora

Thang 5:

25 burpees each (50 total)

100 diamond merkins

200 squats

We had enough time to pay homage to Mary.


WWIIs … no it wasn’t, Liverpool complained about it, so I audibled to WWI for 20.

Then we paid homage to our favorite ladies:  Dolly, Rosalita and also Pamela Anderson, 10 each IC.

To close it out, we did the Squatter special … 100s.

Have a nice day.

Count-a-rama / Name-a-rama: 17

Named two FNGs.  Welcome Roundhouse and Lights Out.

Announcements:  S Wake CSAUP today if you want more,  Krispy Kreme Challenge, BRR.

Prayers/Praises:  Ausfahrt’s recovery, Crimson’s recovery, F3 Raleigh Terminator’s recovery.  Safety for all those who are traveling for the holidays.


What a way to end the week!!!  I completed my challenge and without injury.  THANK YOU LORD!

Huge T-claps to all the HIMs who made it out to all my Qs.

Disco Duck and Earhart did 6 of 7 with me (T-CLAPS, again)

I have to mention this because it deserves to be on record.  I met Bartman at his house to pick-up the log this morning before the beatdown, the comment he made solidified him as being the rucking enthusiast and BEAST, he said, “this is some AWESOME weather for some rucking!”  BOOM!

It was a true pleasure and honor to lead you HIMs this week on my quest for a 7-pack Q BD & F3’versary week.

See also