1stF #6 of 7 BD & F3’versary Q-week: Technical difficulties and assumptions did not sway the beatdown - Plan B modification at its best

The morning was wonderful.  I had my plan all ready to go so I was not worried.  I arrived to Seymour Park early.  I was ready so I got out of the car and started to stretch.  Theismann shows up to do some EC pull-ups.  I went with him for fellowship.  I’m still bummed that I cannot do regular pull-ups … injuries suck!!!  About fifteen minutes left to start Hotty Toddy shows up so I flapped jack with him and headed back to the flag to prepare.

0545 start – I knockout the disclaimer because we have an FNG joining us.  We head out to the circle for warm-up.  Lots of mumblechatter which always makes a workout lively.  As we circle up to begin our warm-up, the “HIM of the Year” comes strolling in late.

Warm-up:  GM, Merkins, plank jacks, mountain climber, Sir Fazio forward, air presses, Sir Fazio reverse.

I got the speaker ready to play my favorite workout … Thanderstuck.  My ophone would not connect to the speaker.  I tried to reconnect it but my phone started to malfunction and lock up.  No Thunderstruck … that sucked.  Modification #1.  Moseyed over to the railings to start the thang.  Theismann asked me if I could use his speaker.  I had a huge smile and said, “HELL YEAH!!!”

Thang 1:

Australian pull-up x25 (for some reason those pull-ups do not hurt my shoulder); Irkins x25; LBC (IC) x25.  Repeato.

When we got done,  we left to make our way into the soccer fields.  They were locked … that sucks , again!  Modification #2.

We moseyed over to the basketball court.  On our way on a light mosey to the basketball court, I had to think up of a modified workout.  I got it!  I had the PAX circled up.

Theismann not only had the speaker; he also had Thunderstruck.  AWESOME!  Dissappointment averted!  Theismann started the song and we crushed Thunderstuck.  After Thunderstruck, we moseyed to one end of the basketball court to do thang 2.

Thang 2:

Partner up (size does not matter) for some Dora.

50 burpees per PAX

100 squats (together)

200 Hello Dolly (together)

300 jump squats (together

When done, we moseyed back to the flag with 3 minutes to spare.  I did not forget our late comer so we did reward burpess (OMD).  Directed the PAX on their 6 for 100’s and closed out with Have A Nice Day!

Count-a-rama / Name-a-rama: 18

Announcements: S. Wake CSAUP on 12/15, Krispie Creme Challenge, if you want updates on Ausfarht just refer to the Caring Bridge.

Prayers / Praises: Aushfahrt’s recovery from his accident, Crimson recovery from surgery, F3 Raleigh’s Terminator recovery from knee replacement, for the safety of the holiday travelers.

BOM: YHC took us out.


Welcome FNG Sub.  He used to be a teacher.  Hence, the name, Name is short for substitute.

Theismann and Hotty Toddy for EC pull-ups.

T-claps to Disco Duck, again.  Workout #5 with me.  No wonder why he was name “HIM of the Year!!!  Well deserved my Brother!!!  Well deserved!!!

Thank you HIMs for allowing me to lead you this morning.

See also