1stF #3 of 6 BD & F3’versary Q-week: Train Delay! In the nick of time for some F3 Deck of Pain after some Thunderstruck.

As I was making my way to Rush Hour from work, in hopes of minimal traffic, everything looked good until I get to DTC.  As I was pulling up to Chatham, I see the railroad bars blinking and start its descent. I have 20 mins to get to the AO, change out of my work clothes and into workout clothes.  All I can think of was HOLY HELL, I am going to be late because I cannot see the end of the train cars.  I was less than .25 miles out and I’m stuck behind the train.  I sat patiently and within a few seconds, the last train car passes and the railroad bars begin to rise.  I have 18 mins to get into workout gear.  I pull up to the back parking lot to be inconspicuous.

The AO environment was the same as Claymore, the parking lot is wet so Plan B.  Disco Duck mentions that we can workout in the parking garage.  That’s exactly what we are going to do.

We mosey to the parking garage and circle up for some warm-up: GM, Hamstring stretch, calf stretch, Sir Fazio (forward and reverse), air presses, Merkin with plank jacks.

Thang 1:

Mosey to the stop sign and back.  It was time to be Thunderstruck.  The 3 HIMs + QIC crushed it!

Mosey to the stop sign and back.

Thang 2:

IT’S TIME!  F3 Deck of Pain.  We do three rounds of cards.  That deck is full of different exercises.

Mosey to the stop sign and back for 3 more rounds of the deck of pain.

Mosey again to the stop sign and back for another three rounds.

Mosey to the stop sign and back with enough time for PAX call Mary.


Homer to Marge (Disco Duck); American Hammers (Press-on); Australian snow angels (Theismann); Boat Canoe (WWW)

Count-a-rama: 4

Name-a-rama: 1 respect, 3 mehs

Announcements: Christmas Party at Fortnight on 12/13, S. Wake CSAUP on 12/15.

Prayers / Praises: Ausfahrt’s health and recovery, Crimson’s recovery, safety Earhart and family and for all those who will be traveling during the holidays, Kelly’s continued good week.

BOM: YHC took us out after we mosey’d back to the flag.


Press-on on every round except 1 kept giving us extra credit reps … keep us strong!

It was my VQ at Rush Hour.  Rush Hour is a great AO and it was an honor to have Q’d this evening.  Disco Duck, Press-on and Theismann, you three are true HIMs.  Thank you for allowing me to Q for you.

See also