1stF #2 of 6 BD & F3’versary Q-week: Courir le Cornichon with some stuff in between

As I arrived at the Claymore, I thought I was going to be the first one there.  I was wrong, Disco Duck was waiting.  I didn’t just pull into the parking spot.  I drove around the AO to get the lay of the land.  DD gave me a perturbed look wondering what the hell is WWW doing.  There is a method to my madness.  As I drove around, all I can see is water everywhere … there was not a single dry spot. Luckily, we had the Scottish Hills Recreation Club across the street which was decent.  I had a plan.  I must be a softy because I audibled to minimize getting soaking wet and possibly starting everyone with a flu. No-will-do!!!  That’s why the Q has the ability and is Freed to Lead.

We began our journey to SHRC with some high knees and Sir Fazios (forward and reverse) until we got to our starting point.

Circle up for some warm-up: GM, Hamstring stretch, calf stretch, SSH, Sir Fazio (forward and reverse), air presses, Merkin with plank jacks.

Thang 1:

World’s Worst Curbkins x5 (Wide-grip, standard, diamond) and sidewalk in the plank position to next curb, repeato.  The first to the end will get up and mosey to the first curb for 50 LBCs and continue back to start point.

Courir le Cornichon. Circle up for 10 burpees (OYO).

NOTE:  There were 13 curbs we got close and personal with.

Thang 2:

Curbees x2, lunge/duck walk to next curb, repeato until you get to the end.  Mosey to the first curb and do 50 dying cockroaches and continue back to start point.

Courir le Cornichon. Circle up for 5 burpees (OMD).

Thang 3:

MCM (Mountain Climber L/R x5 with 1 Merkin, lunge/duck walk to next curb, repeato until you get to the end.  Mosey to the first curb and do 50 American Hammers (single count) and continue back to start point.

Courir le Cornichon. Circle up for 5 burpees (OMD).

Thang 4:

Bear crawl to break in curb and lunge walk to last curb.  Squat hold for the 6.  Repeato back to starting point.  Squat hold for the 6.

Thang 5:

Duck walk to break in curb and then lunge walk to the last curb.  Squat hold for the 6.  Repeato back to start point.  Squat hold for the 6.

Courir le Cornichon. Circle up for 10 burpees (OMD) and PAX call Mary.


Homer to Marge (Disco Duck); Freddy Mercs (Pickles); Pamela Anderson (Bartman); J-Lo (EarharT); Scorpion Dry Dock (Rooney); Hello Dolly (WWW)

Closed out Mary with Squatter’s signature exercise 100s and HAND!

Count-a-rama: 6

Name-a-rama: 1 respect, 5 mehs

Announcements: Christmas Party at Fortnight on 12/13, S. Wake CSAUP on 12/15, 100+ toys for Operation Sweet Tooth.

Prayers / Praises: Ausfahrt’s health and recovery, Crimson’s recovery, Betty’s (Pickles’ relative) health, safety Earhart and family and for all those who will be traveling during the holidays, Kelly’s continued good week.

BOM: YHC took us out after we mosey’d back to the flag.


Lots of mumblechatter which helped to take our minds off the cold.

EarharT does not know how to count.  He was a broken record stuck on 3.  Thanks Bartman for keeping count.  I would have kept on going until we got the count right.

See also