1stF #1 of 6 BD & F3'versary Q: Winter Bells Tabata Style

Date: December 10, 2018


Day 1 of 6 for my birthday and F3’versary week.  I was not so sure Monday would even happen coming off the tail-end of 8" of snow and rain all day Sunday.  I woke up at 0400 hr wondering how it would be outside.  I stepped out at O’dark thirty to test out the ground.  It was wet but not frozen.  I got ready wondering who would show up.  I arrived at 15 mins to start and the gates were still closed and locked.  As the time ticked away, still no Park & Rec workers to open the gate.  5 mins prior, Earhart shows, still a no show for Parks & Rec and no other PAX.  0530, it is confirmed that it was just EarharT and I to get our exercise on.  We grabbed two bells each and farmer carry them to the shelter.


Hamstring stretch, calf stretch both calves, merkins, Sir Fazio (forward and reverse).  A little mumblechatter from the PAX … it was deafening.  Actually, excellent 2ndF convo.

The Thang 4 rounds of tabata

Round 1 (4 stations):  1 min (curls for gurls), rest 10 secs (switch); 1 min (KB presses), rest 10 sec (switch); 1 min (Single arm KB swings), rest 10 secs; 1 min (lawn mowers).  Walk the pickle.  20x LBC with KB press & 20x WWIIs with KB.

Round 2 (4 stations): 1 min (curls for gurls), rest 10 secs (switch); 1 min (KB extensions), rest 10 sec (switch); 1 min (gobblet squats), rest 10 secs; 1 min KB presses.  Walk the pickle.  20x American Hammers with KB & 20x Freddy Merc with a press.

Round 3 (4 stations): 1 min (curls for gurls), rest 10 secs (switch); 1 min (KB presses), rest 10 sec (switch); 1 min (Single arm KB swings), rest 10 secs; 1 min (KB extensions).  Walk the pickle.  20x LBC with KB press & 20x WWIIs with KB.

Round 4 (4 stations): 1 min (curls for gurls), rest 10 secs (switch); 1 min (KB extensions), rest 10 sec (switch); 1 min (gobblet squats), rest 10 secs; 1 min KB presses.  Walk the pickle.  20x American Hammers with KB & 20x Freddy Merc with a press.


10 burpees, people’s chair, people’s chair with wonder bra, have a nice day.


Count-a-rama:  2 Name-a-rama:  2 meh Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Ausfahrt recovering from a motorcycle accident, prayers for safe travels for EarharT and family on their upcoming holiday trip. BOM:  YHC took us out after we walked our KBs back to the car.


Mumble chatter was strong!  OUTSTANDING fellowship!

Thanks to EarharT for showing up.  It was a blast to have spent some good fellowship time with you, Brother!

See also