1K plus some

DATE: JUNE 29 2020




This idea came from the quarentine. Hello Kitty was throwing up some Tim Kennedy specials, and they looked like they were horrible. Great! But what’s worse than that? Adding more. So off to the interwebs at work (because what else would I be doing there) and found the 1000 reps Challenge. Looked bad, so why not?

Fast forward to today. 73 degrees, 90% humidity, perfect for sweat angels on without a doubt the softest parking lot in all of Apex. I pull into the lot, see Wahoo and Kwik Stop taking off on a quick EC. As more Pax roll in, the pull up bars is where everyone is at, getting those ECP numbers up, and getting those backs good and strong. Being my first Q on my anniversary week, I had to set the tone solid.

530 hits, and knowing this will fill up the time, we get right to it. Mission statement, disclaimer, grab a bell.

Warm ups:

10 SSH

10 GM

The Thang:

10 cycles, 10 exercises, 10 reps = 1K. 1 burpee between them, because as I told Triple Lindy about it, he said “why not 1001? Challenge accepted.

10x swings

10x squats

10x overhead press

10x rows

10x merkins

10x LBC

10x lion Kings

10x curls

10x pullovers

10x Bob and weave

1 Burpee variation of your choice.

Only Q I didn’t plan Mary for, this took us right up to 615. Triple Lindy led the few who finished early in some plank variations, but we were wrapping up soon.

Announcement - July 4 - no convergence, business as usual, except a new spot at Apex Friendship. Wahoo has that Q.

Prayers/praises: Bubba’s friend Ray with radiation for tumors. Ratatouille and his car accident, our nation, Headroom and family (I feel like I’m missing one here)

Wahoo took us out.

NMS: Great to see some new faces, and some that I haven’t seen in a while. Getting out of the standard rotation for posting and Qing really shows all of the HIMs that Carpex has on tap.

For Q’s, I’ve come to rely on 3 things: it’s gotta be hard, the whole “if it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you” mantra. It has to work on something I need to work on (which honestly, is just about everything). And it needs to be different. No one remembers the merkin miles and vanilla stuff, but the really off the wall stuff they do. Works great for Q shopping, and works different muscles.

Plyo Burpees are not fun.

MIAGD, gentlemen!