1983 GMC Vandura

The AO A-Team has special place in YHCs heart. After all, it was where my first post was in July of 2016 with Banjo as the QIC. That particular day we had 18 men, and all but two are still Carpex regulars. In fact, four of those guys were there today: Banjo, Compound W, Michelob, and Shut-In.

YHC rolled up with about 4 minutes to spare. Holy Schnikies!, nowhere to hardly park. 32 dudes waiting around—nice!! Including a surprise: my good friend I’ve played Ultimate Frisbee with for ~16 years, including 3 World Championships, made the trip from the North Raleigh area to come to my Q. I got him to start posting last year, but we’ve never actually performed any F3 workouts together. His name is G-String.
G-String: “Yall get quite a crowd out here”.
Flip Flop: “This is light”.
G-String: “Yall sure do like to talk a lot”.
Flip Flop: “This is light”
G-String: “Great, tough workout so far”.
Flip Flop: “This is light”.

Anyhoo, I plan to go up to North Raleigh for his VQ. He said he got some good ideas from the workout today, but I’m not so sure that is a good thing.
G-String: “I’ve never even heard or done most of those exercises”.
Flip Flop: “My exercises ain’t in the Exicon, you may not want to use’m in Raleigh. Prolly get you blackballed”.

Well, I totally botched and butchered another disclaimer, which I thought was no big deal until….as I was scanning the crowd as I was wrapping up the botched disclaimer….the last person I see is….The Nan’tan!!!!…..gulp……his eyes are pursed and he is slowly shaking his head back-and-forth. Damnation, already in the hole.

Jog over to the far end of the first lot on the left for a warm-up, which was performed in perfect cadence by YHC. Invisible Jump Rope x 20, Moroccan Night Clubs x 10–>GM x10–>Phelps Arm Swings x 5, Merkins x 10–>PJs x 10, Wright Flyers x 10, Saturday Nite Stretch x 5. Continue around the lot while painting lines front-retro and side-2-side. Plank holds and some Merkins. Partner Up for CMIYC with x 5 Sumo Squat Jumps…..all the way to the bottom of the hill on the main park road. There we stop for some SSHs and squat hold so instructions for next Thang can be orated.
The Half Pipe Of Death: with your partner at the bottom of the half pipe, run in opposite directions up the half pipe; at one end x 10 box jumps, at the other end x 10 Peter Parkers. 3 sets each way.
Do some E2Ks x 20 each and some LBCs x 20, before on the Mosey to The A-Team Shelter. It was there that we performed SSH x 20 before we completed two rounds of Irkins-Dips-Derkins, x 20 and x 15 reps for respective sets.
After a Mosey out to the road, we lined up for some Triple Applesauce, which we did perfectly all the way to the other side of the A-Team Half Pipe of Death. It was right then and there that we performed some Bobby Hurley’s x 10 OYO and some Freddie Mercs x 15. Mosey to the front lot, which is when we partnered up across from each other on the parking spaces: Hell Squats x 5—>Bear Crawl to middle and high five partner—> Crawl Bear to curb, and repeato this again.
At this point, some Agility City reared it’s glorious head: 2 sets of three different Line Hop variations: tandem, side-to-side, and MC Hammers. To my pure delight, Shut-In suggested that instead of “Recover” after the MC Hammers, that the QIC says “Stop” and the PAX in return yell “It’s Hammer Time!!!”. It was, well, music to my ears.
We then circled up. Well most of us did—two PAX went back to The Half Pipe Of Death to look for lost keys. We performed some American Hammers and some LBCs to finish off the workout.
Count-a-rama: 33 (6 fellowhip walkers)
Name-a-rama: buncha mehs and respects
Announcements: Raleigh’s CSAUP Mule in early March. Q-Source after today’s workout.
Prayers/Praises: HotSpots friend (Gary?), Liverpool and his family, Forceps and his family, a praise to Shut-In for his Serving Selflessly video.
COT: YHC remembers the tv show A-Team and the first season the producer of the show, John Ashley, explained the concept for the show " …..they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire… the A-Team." YHC feels the same way about his F3 brothers: they are always there to help: help each other, families, and communities. I’m damned proud to be around all of you, and hope you all influence me to be more like you.
Shut-In took us out like a pro.

Flip Flop (that’s singular)

See also