180 degrees is better than 0 degrees...

Cold.  Windy.  Tuesday.  Q showed up early for a little recon.  5:30 and we are off


  • Standard Half warmup.  Couple O Circles around the parking lot.  Butt Kickers, Side Shuffles, and High Knees.  Circled up for Good mornings16X and Windmills11X.
  • Ok, lets go!  Run towards the soccer field, close to the site parking lot.  Hang a right on to the greenway…HALT…10 Burpees OYO…keep running through the dark path….HALT….Wide Grip Merkins9X….keep running back to soccer field.  Entered Soccer Field Gates…roughly a 1/2 mile

The Thang

  • Lined up on Goal Line for Modified Sluggers
    • Run to First line, 1/4 of the way.  Stop for Merkins 25x.  Backwards run to the start
    • Run to Mid Field.  Stop for Squat Jumps 50X.  Backwards run to the start
    • Run to the Third line, 3/4 of the way.  Stop for Mountain Climbers 75X.  Left right is 1. Backwards run to the start
    • Run to the other goal line.  Stop for SSH 100x.  Backwards run to the start
  • Repeato……AUDIBLE after Squat jumps.  Circled the PAX and exited the field.  PAX informed that their Legs were warm
  • Made our way out of the site parking lot and over towards “Michelob’s Hill” .  Old Maid informed me that the hill was “closed”, we crossed anyways.  “Stupid Millennials think they are invisible.”  Anywho, kept running….HALT…Burpees10X OYO..
  • Made our way across the parking lot, through the two circles in front of the school, over to another Hill.  Not sure if this Hill has a name, however Banjo made us do 11’s once on said Hill and it was miserable.
  • Stopped at bottom of hill and explained the deal.  7’s. 1/2 Surfer Merkins at the Top(180degree jump followed by Merkin, Monkey Jumpers(like humpers but with a Jump) at the bottom.  Yes, I dug deep on the Exicon yesterday….BTW, 1/2 Surfers were called because I can’t do a Full… Your’e Welcome
  • Merlot was almost spilled by Khakis, who is fresh off a cold….apparently the Surfers combined with Monkey Jumpers are no beuno for your Virtigo.
  • Exited the hill and headed back.  Stopped at Circle.  Instructed PAX to run around the circle and each time back at start complete 2x Knee Ups..increasing by 2 on each lap.  Some made it to 10, others to 12.  Great job!
  • Left the circle and moseyed back.  Included some backwards runs along the way.
  • Entered site parking lot for Round Da Circle Mary.  Lets see if I can remember them all
    • LBC, Hello Dolly, Box Cutter, WWII, Peter Parkers, Low Slow Flutter, Freddy Mercuries, Boat Canoe, Leg Ups, Homer to Marge, Have a Nice Day


  • Shuttys Knee
  • Imp lead us out
  • Maynard



  • First time Q’ing two days in a row.  For me, this is tough as I really like to put together an organized workout. Whether it shows or not is up to yall!
  • F3Carpex is awesome.
  • Thanks for the Koozie, Shank!

See also