'18 BRR Training

24 Pax including FNG Fortran and FNG 2.0s Puck and Ninjago. YHC agreed to take the Q to cover for Chef Tell, I also got a step closer to finishing the Carpex 2017 Q Challenge.  It was a beautiful morning for an outdoor workout.

The Warmup: Jog over to the other parking lot, circle up, SSHx30, GMx10, Merkinsx20, Plankjacks, 1-arm Merkins x 10 per arm, Hill Billies x 15. The Thang 1: Mosey over to the rock pile, get a partner and a medium rock. P1- Peoples Chair on the wall P2- Rock-V-ups Flap jack till you get to 150 rock-v-ups as a partnership. P1- bttw P2- Crunches Flip flop till you get to 300 crunches as a partnership

The Thang 2: There is no time like the present to start training for the 2018 Blue Ridge Relay: Leave the compound, make a left on High House and run down to the bottom of the hill at the first parking lot on the left (Exchange Zone 1).  Get in teams of 3. Leg 1 runner: Run to top of the hill at the entrance to the park (EZ-2), do merkins until Leg 2 teammate arrives.  Then run to the bottom of the hill and hand off the baton to Leg 3 runner and do Squats until teammate arrives. Repeat this relay doing squats at the bottom of the hill and merkins at the top of the hill while waiting on your teammates. Repeat again. Repeat again.

Jog back to the flag, finish with 15 burpees on my down.


Prayer Requests: Bartman and Pergo and all the launch of F3Chicago! Callahan’s friends son- Luke has been intubated to relieve pain and hopefully improve healing from surgery. Kermit’s Cousin’s health.


Tuesday: FMJ launces at 5:30 at Salem something Park in Apex. This has a great chance of becoming the best 5:30am Tuesday option in Carpex! I love the alliteration in the Tuesday AO names! and I guess Thursday for that matter and Friday till recently.. 10/1 - Q School, 2pm at the kiosk (you should definitely confirm this and not rely solely on this source, I am highly confident in the date but only about 60% on the time and precise location). 10/7 - The Odyssey!  If you can do the workout this morning, then you can do the Odyssey! If you can do the Odyssey, then you can do the Tobacco Trail 1/2 Marathon, if you can do the 1/2 Marathon, then you can do the Blue Ridge Relay, if you can do the Blue Ridge Relay, then you can do a Go-Ruck (but YHC still probably won’t do that, that is really crazy).

Cofeeteria at Panera immediately.

NMS: Hello Kitty was quite fashionable this morning, I mean that guy really had the look dialed in! Did you see Banjo and Pierogi doing  concrete core Burpees after the workout?  I guess they didn’t get enough, sincerest apologies from YHC. How about E-harmony in town from Union County, E-Harmony, because you know he found F3 on the internet…

I really think we should have about 6 teams from CARPEX doing the BRR next year.  It was awesome, I know you are probably tired of me telling you about it.. but my last leg was the single best Run I have ever had in my 22 year running career.  low 50’s, 2 lane mountain road, 2 good hill climbs early on, ran about a mile with Paper Jam from F3 Lexington SC, morning fog burning off, sun peaking over the mountaintops as i ran along a babbling mountain brook, white tail buck deer munchin on clover, red tail hawk sittin on a limb, no watch, no head phones and a nice long chat with God!  The trifecta of Fs in one run!

PS - Go Pack! and is it really a GDTBATH?

See also