17,884 days down; 1 to go.

What a great morning! We had EC runners & ruckers; ME boot campers, ruckers, stretchers and rehabbers; 2 FNGs; visitor from New Bern; and a wide spectrum of guys who have been with Carpex from its earliest days to those who have been posting for just a few days.

As it was stated often today, “Who has it better than us?”

On the eve of my 49th birthday, it’s safe to say that I am in the best physical, emotional and mental shape I’ve been, in a long time. Thanks again F3.

Disclaimer given to our FNGs and off we go.

**Warm Up
**We take the long way around the Senior Center and circle up on that gorgeous patch of grass in the back for some Good Mornings (that looked like Windmills), Windmills, a whole bunch of arm circles and claps and stuff, SSH, Steve Earle, Absolution

**Thang One
**Run to the Shelter stopping at every light pole to do 3x L/R Jump Lunges increasing by 3 each time, finishing with 30.

In the shelter perform L/R step ups x10 followed by a combo move of Dips and Erkins x10. Repeato, Repeato.

Run to amphitheater. “Tossed Salad” was suggested as a name for this exercise, but I don’t think it will fly. Hop over the benches on the way down, bear crawl back up. Repeato, Repeato.

Run to top of Levee

**Thang Two
**Partner up. Perform 10x Partner Squats and 10x Partner Merkins, run down the hill and back up. Repeato x10 until 100 of each exercise performed.

Take the levee to the end and down to the greenway. 10x Bropees

Run back to the flag with some fun stops along the way to perform LBC, Low Slow Flutters, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercury.


Welcome Guano and Disclaimer
Memorial Day Convergence 5/27
Carpex 6th Anniversary 5/31. Need 100 PAX to post. All AOs open.

YHC took us out with a quote from George Bernard Shaw

“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”


See also