17 years of bliss

YHC loves this site.  Plenty of options to push the limits

Go Time 0545 Warm Up

  • 1.5 laps around the Pickle with some Karaoke  
  • SSH x25IC, Merkins x20-OMD, Plank Jacks x16IC, LBCs, LSF, Merkins x20-OMD, Mtn Climbers x16IC,Good Morningx11IC, Sir Fazio Fwd/Reverse 10/10IC

Thang One:  

  • Mozy down the road to the coffee shop that is never open on time
  • Along the way pause twice for 6 with planks 1 arm/leg up R/L
  • Once at the coffee shop….
  • 7 sevens with running line sprints run Mid & Far the back to start for burpees.  Work your way to 7 burpees - lots of chatter, not lots of sprints…
  • Head back out of parking lot back towards with a pause on the way for 6
  • From light pole to next pole, Lunge walk to Ritter Park entrance

Thang Two:

  • Mozy to the Playground
  • Partner up and split into 2 groups
  • Group 1 Partner Pull Ups go to failure then 5 more with partner help
  • Group 2 Dips, Derkins and Irkins
  • Switch for 3 sets


  • LBCs
  • Box Cutters




Prayer Requests

Prayers for our wives and all they do to keep us on the rails

Naked Mole Skin

Thank you all for being the influence YHC needs in his life.

17 years ago today YHC married an amazing woman, mother and partner.  Cherish what you have everyday,

See also