148, 44, 54, 6, 3, 2

Angry Elf and YHC had it all planned out. Until 50 guys showed up at Danger Zone! Too many to take down into the bowels of the park. But we have a glorious field that fits 50 perfectly. Anyway, today was a big day. A day of numbers one might say.

6 - Carpex’ 6th Anniversary. Evidence shows the first Cary F3 workout occurred on 5/31/2013 at North Cary Park and was named Danger Zone. So here we are. 6 years later with 22 regular AOs, many standing EC runs, a standing Ruck workout, a traveling IR workout, and multiple CSAUPs. Not to mention the best group of HIM in the country.

148 - To coincide with the 6th anny, the Carpex Century Challenge was issued - 100 PAX across the 4 Friday AOs on 5/31. We not only met the challenge, but CRUSHED it! Way to bring em out boys

44 - To coincide with the 6th anny and the CCC, today is Angry Elf’s 44th birthday

54 - To coincide with the 6th anny, the CCC, and Angry Elf’s 44th birthday, today is YHC’s 54th birthday

2 - The Yuge announcement that is reverbeating around F3 nation as the sun is being blotted is that Carpex now has its 2nd Nan’tan. Shut-In is now our leader and has already set an excellent tone. We may not see the sun for a while, boys! I’m so very proud of Shut-In. See the Nan’tan Nuggets email newsletter for how proud.

3 - Aw hell, I’m just going to go ahead and say it. I got my 3rd merlot spillage as a Q today. Feels so right. I feel a slight twinge of regret, as it was my 18 yr old 2.0 who spilled. Nah, feels so right.

Alright, so here’s what went down

The Warm-Up

Angry Elf led us for a trip and a half around the pickle and circled us up for several stretchy type exercises, including the Michael Phelps to loosen up the old chestal region. That proved to be fortuitous.

Thang 1

Line up on one end of the field for 399s

Run to opposite end of field for 9 World’s Worst Merkins, Run Back for 9 standard Merkin. Do that 3 times. 3 x (9+9) = 54. Capiche?

399s with Star Jumps and Air Squats

399s - make that 299s due to time - with Dying Cockroaches and Standard Merkins

Thang 2

Turned it back over to the Angriest of all Elves for the Bataan Death March. Partner Carries around the perimeter of aforementioned field - 44 steps at a time. Follow that with some Squats and plank-0-rama while the 6 rounds the final turn. Follow that with 10 burpees OYO before circling up for COT


COT was something else. Count-o-rama, and Name-o-rama for 50 men, including 7 FNGs (Wicket, Fuhgetaboutit, Dozer, Ripcord, Slim Shady, Tangier, and Asthma). There were several prayer concerns which we then lifted up to the Big Q in the sky during BOM.


I wrote my final thoughts as a Nan’tan in the newsletter, so I won’t belabor them. But I just wanted to say it was an honor to co-Q with my twin (10 years apart) brother, Angry Elf and to lead you men today. And it has been both my pleasure and an honor to have been the Nan’tan of Carpex the past few years. I look forward to the sun continuing to be blotted with our new Nan’tan, Shut-In!

See also