14-199 Ruck WoD 2/21/18

Four swarthy gents posted for this week’s Rolling Stone hosted at SnS. YHC saw a recommended workout posted this weekend in honor of Jerome Gonzales, a GRT and Pathfinder who died this past weekend during an event. It sounded like a good time:


With that, we grabbed an extra ruck along with 40# and 60# bags, and headed for the ball field lot. There, we did:

  • 2-minute AMRAP push-up (no ruck)
  • 2-minute AMRAP sit-up (no ruck)
  • 2-minute AMRAP ALRSU with ruck
  • Burpee time:
    • 10 ruck burpees, farmer carry ruck 80yd in one hand
    • 10 ruck burpees, farmer carry ruck back in other hand
    • 10 ruck burpees, recover.
  • Bear crawl 50yd
  • Crab walk 50yd

We capped it all off with another mile of coupon ruck and COT with SnS.

Great work, fellas. #CTHT

Sorry about that waist strap, Angry Elf. Promise I’ll get it fitted soon.

See also