13 Lucky Leprechauns

Q: Hotspot

13 Lucky Leprechauns met on a crisp 24 degree morning to bring the luck of the Irish upon them.  There was an announcement the previous evening that those without green would learn the lesson with penalty burpees.  Well as it turned out, all were taught the penalty burpee lesson regardless of attire.  YHC did appreciate those that tried to accommodate the request for festive attire.  

Warmup which was really needed

  • One Lap around Complex (.4 miles for those complaining/cheering what have you…) YHC was still trying to warm up the ole noggin to remember what was next.  In the future run faster.
  • Circle up at basketball court
  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • Good Mornings x 20 (IC)
  • Cotton Picker x 20 (IC)
  • Merkins x 25
  • Plank Jacks x 20 (IC)
  • Mozy to the soccer field

The Thang:  

Cloverfield, some call it a soccer field, in search of Gold & Leprechauns

  • Line up
  • Bear crawl to mid field, 10 Burpees, run back  - squat hold
  • Repeat plus add from mid field backwards run to far end, 25 star jumps, run back  - squat hold
  • Repeat plus add from far end bear crawl back to mid field, 25 plank jacks run to start - squat hold
  • Now that all hands we frozen and no pots of gold uncovered the lucky 13 headed off to find a rainbow or something.  Take the long way around to the Rock Pile.

Rock Pile or call it the Pot of Gold - Lucky 7s

  • Find a friendly pot o gold sized rock for Lucky 7s
  • Pot o gold Skull Crushers (IC x7)
  • Pot o gold Curls (IC x7)
  • Pot o gold Overhead Press (IC x7)
  • Pot o gold Bent over row (IC x7)
  • Pot o gold WW2 (On Up x7)
  • Lap around the frog pond
  • Repeat x4
  • Take the long Mozy back to circle up in the parking lot for Mary


  • Low slow Flutter x 7 (IC)
  • Hello Dolly x7 (IC)


The Bull 4/1

Prayer Requests

For the Firefighters and people impacted by the 5-alarm fire on Glenwood (downtown) Raleigh last night.

As well, for all the runners participating in the TRM26 and TRM13 on Sunday.  May they run swiftly, safely and without injury.

Naked Moleskin

This was YHC’s first official solo (full) Q and the pax mostly were forgiving of the frozen brain blunders.  Nerves were high, but the frozen tundra quickly calmed and YHC went on with the beatdown.  YHC appreciated all mumble chatter during, and fed off it, working hard to keep everyone moving at a good clip to stay warm.  Thank you for being there, we got stronger, and YHC got to grow in outside of the comfort zone.  SYITG

See also